April Fools: Student Spotlight: “That Guy” in Every College History Class

April Fools: Student Spotlight: “That Guy” in Every College History Class

By Lizzie Hobbs, Staff Writer “Let me just play devil’s advocate for a second…” Oh, what a wonderful phrase. Typically followed by something mildly controversial, not well thought out, and if you’re really lucky: borderline offensive to humanity. It is also the most used phrase by “that guy” in every history class. The amazing thing about “that guy” is the multitude of forms “that guy” can take. Age, race, gender, class, none of these...

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April Fools: Residence Life Unveils Pizza House as Newest Theme House

April Fools: Residence Life Unveils Pizza House as Newest Theme House

By Phoebe Doscher, Assistant News Editor Calling all pizza lovers! Starting fall semester of 2019, Residence Life will be offering Pizza House as an option for theme housing. The director of Residence Life sent out a memo this morning delivering students’ newest housing option. Residents living in Pizza House will be expected to contribute to the business in some form, whether that be fulfilling a weekly quota of purchasing pizzas or...

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April Fools: Gettysburgian Exclusive: Interviews with the Ghosts of Gettysburg

April Fools: Gettysburgian Exclusive: Interviews with the Ghosts of Gettysburg

By Lizzie Hobbs, Staff Writer Gettysburg College is frequently referred to as the most haunted college campus in America, and visitors are hard pressed to find a Gettysburg student who hasn’t experienced some sort of paranormal event or lived in a dorm room that is “totally haunted.” The ghosts of Glatfelter tower, the Chapel basement, and Penn Hall are some of the most frequently talked about ghosts at Gettysburg, but we at The...

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April Fools: New Meme Account: The Ants of Gettysburg

April Fools: New Meme Account: The Ants of Gettysburg

By Sam Shourds, Staff Writer Do you enjoy a good squirrel or dog encounter? Do you relish in adorable pictures and videos of the two? Well, guess what? There are meme pages for that! Both squirrelsofgburg and gburg_squirrels cater to your love of the squirrel community, while gburg_dogspotting provides a platform to both view and submit photos of Gettysburg’s best puppers (so really, all of Gettysburg’s puppers). But there are more...

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April Fools: Digest to Replace Glatfelter Bell

April Fools: Digest to Replace Glatfelter Bell

By Danielle Sicotte, Staff Writer Over the past several years, the dreaded piling up of old college digests has plagued the Gettysburg College student. The upperclassmen receive two daily, but the first years, who are still at a most impressionable age, receive four every day. Because of the sheer number of lengthy digests, every student can be charged guilty of archiving a digest without bothering to read it. This proved to be...

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April Fools: Gettysburg Bullets Become Gettysburg Grapeshots

April Fools: Gettysburg Bullets Become Gettysburg Grapeshots

By Danielle Sicotte, Staff Writer In this rapidly changing world, many in the Gettysburg community share the feeling that the Gettysburg mascot, “the Bullet,” is dated and even offensive. In response to this attitude, The All American Association for Modern Mascot Improvement or AAAMMI (pronounced “The Triple A Double M Single I”) has devoted their services to the college to help develop a more inclusive and positive mascot for the...

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