Dean of Admissions Gail Sweezey to Retire After 41 Years at Gettysburg College

Dean of Admissions Gail Sweezey to Retire After 41 Years at Gettysburg College

By Laken Franchetti, Editor-in-Chief At the faculty meeting on March 21, President Bob Iuliano revealed to faculty members that Dean of Admissions Gail Sweezey would be retiring at the end of July. Sweezey has served the campus community at Gettysburg College for 41 years, and she was given a round of applause from faculty when Iuliano revealed the news. The following day, Vice President for Enrollment and Educational Services Carey...

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Postcard from Abroad: “Live Together, Thrive Together”

Postcard from Abroad: “Live Together, Thrive Together”

By João Branco Chaves, Contributing Writer March 3rd, 2024, 5:00 AM, Mt. Minobu Kuonji Temple (身延山 久遠寺), Japan. After spending the night at the Temple accommodations, we woke up early to attend the morning Buddhist service. The service was followed by an almost two-hour detailed tour of the Temple grounds by two of the Temple monks. We were lucky enough to enter rooms and spaces that are typically closed to the public. As we entered...

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Postcard from Abroad: Exploring Paris, France

Postcard from Abroad: Exploring Paris, France

By Laura de Matos Leal, Contributing Writer When I arrived at Gettysburg College, studying abroad was not in my plans. As an international student, I felt that I was already experiencing education in a different country, so the idea of committing to a semester-long exchange program seemed redundant. However, by my sophomore year, after being introduced to the various programs offered by the Center for Global Education and seeing some...

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​South By Sea: Helping Gettysburg Students Make Waves in the Marketing Industry

​South By Sea: Helping Gettysburg Students Make Waves in the Marketing Industry

By Heather Wirick, Staff Writer ​Extracurriculars at Gettysburg College give students the chance to network and engage in marketing and managerial experience early on in their careers. South By Sea gained some traction when it was first introduced to the campus six years ago. However, it became more popular in 2023 when Kayla Macdonald ’24 was recruited as a Campus Manager via networking on LinkedIn. ​South By Sea is an apparel design...

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Senior Spotlight: Adela Holahan, Soprano

Senior Spotlight: Adela Holahan, Soprano

By Ainsley Green, Staff Writer On Saturday, April 6, Adela Holahan ’24 performed her Senior Recital in Paul Recital Hall. Many friends, family members, faculty members and more came out to support Holahan as she performed a wide range of repertoire to encapsulate her achievements as an undergraduate student. Holahan is a music performance major studying voice at the Sunderman Conservatory of Music, and this recital fulfilled an...

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A Look Inside the “Things Ukrainian in Gettysburg” Club

A Look Inside the “Things Ukrainian in Gettysburg” Club

By Laurel Bennett, Features Editor When Maria Christina Kardash ’26 came to Gettysburg College as a first-year, she immediately felt homesick for all of her Ukrainian traditions back home.  “Everything from the language to the food was so distant in Gettysburg, that I knew I had to create some type of Ukrainian community,” Kardash explained. This led to Kardash’s formation of the Things Ukrainian in Gettysburg club (TUG/Things...

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