Email from President Iuliano Alerts Campus to New Initiatives

Email from President Iuliano Alerts Campus to New Initiatives

By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor On Thursday, Gettysburg College President Bob Iuliano sent a campus-wide email alerting individuals of new initiatives for the 2024-2025 academic year. He began by listing accomplishments from the past academic year, such as the creation of the Donna Jean Brogan Center for Quantitative Learning and the $2.4 million Wi-Fi upgrade. “With the increasingly competitive higher education landscape, this work...

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Student Senate’s Campaign to Better Its Reputation

Student Senate’s Campaign to Better Its Reputation

By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor  As another academic year winds down, the Gettysburg College Student Senate has reflected on their year of work. While many members feel proud of their work and accomplishments, an issue still remains for the Senate: bettering their reputation on campus. Multiple meetings this semester have featured in-depth discussions around this issue.  Senators have proposed numerous projects to accomplish this,...

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Free Palestine Protest Takes Place at Gettysburg College

Free Palestine Protest Takes Place at Gettysburg College

By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor On Thursday, a Free Palestine protest took place outside of Masters Hall from roughly 4 to 5 p.m. Posters were put up before the event and called it an “Urgent Call to Action: Solidarity with Palestine.” The poster explained that it was to show “solidarity with other American universities” as well as to call “for a free Palestine and an end to the Israeli genocide.” It also specified that the protest...

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Rightmire Named 2024 Student Commencement Speaker

Rightmire Named 2024 Student Commencement Speaker

By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor On Monday, the Class of 2024 Treasurer Gwenyth Michaels ’24 announced in an email that the Student Commencement Speaker Selection Committee chose Regan Rightmire ’24 as the 2024 Student Commencement Speaker. “The Committee and I are truly confident that Regan represents our class and will deliver a phenomenal speech at graduation,” wrote Michaels. The email also provided background on Rightmire. She...

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Student Senate 4/29: Final Meeting of the School Year

Student Senate 4/29: Final Meeting of the School Year

By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor  Officer Reports  President Andrew Lemon ’24 thanked the senators for such a great year.  “I will miss all of you, and I know I’ve said it so many times this year, but it has been a highlight of my Gettysburg experience to have this honor to represent you all as President, so thank you,” said Lemon.  He then updated attendees on the prominent student concern from the last meeting: the change in dining...

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