April Fools: Students Receive 1,596 Emails About Phone Outages, Express Gratitude for College’s Transparency

April Fools: Students Receive 1,596 Emails About Phone Outages, Express Gratitude for College’s Transparency

By Jane Fitzpatrick, Assistant News Editor Director of Infrastructure and Computing Thomas Franza has been publicly recognized by the student body as an influential member of the administration for his high level of communication and transparency during campus phone power outages.   Students were notified periodically throughout the process of rebooting the “College Telephony System” on various occasions, including when members of the...

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April Fools: College Releases New Battlefield Running Policy

April Fools: College Releases New Battlefield Running Policy

By Garrett Glaeser, Sports Editor You’ve heard of Turkey Trots and Reindeer Runs but get ready for the Gettysburg Gallop! That’s right, the College has listened to alums who have expressed a disappointment that they didn’t enjoy the battlefield enough and has instituted a new policy where students will be required to run the park roads. “In each student’s time here they will grow mentally as students and physically as runners,” said...

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April Fools: Underground Rushing Continues Online (Remote Hazing Very Effective)

April Fools: Underground Rushing Continues Online (Remote Hazing Very Effective)

By Gauri Mangala, Managing Editor Students of Gettysburg College have been extremely active in their advocacy for different student groups that have been affected by the move to remote learning. Acts of generosity and movements of positivity have provided many with hope in a time of much uncertainty, but perhaps students have missed the mark and have neglected a group that has been immeasurably affected by the coronavirus: frats. “How...

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April Fools: First Zoom Concert: It was…a Good Try.

April Fools: First Zoom Concert: It was…a Good Try.

By Britney Brunache & Lauren Hand On Friday, the Gettysburg College Choir held its first ever concert via Zoom. Although it was intended to liven up the spirits of the Gettysburg College students and staff, it actually did the opposite. “It was kind of weird watching the conductor wave his baton at a camera,” said one student who attended the Zoom concert. During the course of the concert, one of the performers was muted yet still...

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April Fools’ Opinion: Ranking the 2020 Fiascoes (So Far)

April Fools’ Opinion: Ranking the 2020 Fiascoes (So Far)

By Emily Dalgleish, Opinions Editor 2020 has had its fair share of national and global crises– so many that it is difficult to keep track. For that reason, I have created a definitive ranking of the fiascoes of this year from least to most chaotic.  5. Roger Stone sentencing After Stone was convicted of seven crimes, including lying to Congress and obstruction of justice, prosecutors recommended he be sentenced to seven to nine years...

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April Fools: Production of Macbeth Proves that the Show Must Go On

April Fools: Production of Macbeth Proves that the Show Must Go On

By Gauri Mangala & Britney Brunache The Spring production of Macbeth has persevered through the coronavirus and has adapted its show to the changing circumstances. The show, which opened last week had a 20 person max seating, as audience members were required to sit with a 6 empty seat radius around them at all times. Virtual programs could be scanned with a QR code to avoid usher-audience physical interaction. The battle scenes...

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