Opinion: Living on Campus During COVID-19
By Peter Zhang, Staff Writer It did not catch me by surprise when the college announced its decision to move to remote instruction on March 16th, 2020. At that point, conversations with my family back home in China had been centered around COVID-19 for over two months. From the first case in Seattle, to restricting all flights from China, to spotted outbreaks around the globe, I regret that we are living in a world that hides too much...
What We Know About Ben Pontz: Celebrating the Leadership of Our Former Editor-in-Chief
By The Gettysburgian Editorial Board Ben Pontz served as the Editor-in-Chief of The Gettysburgian for two years, and has written over 200 articles for the publication. In addition to writing and editing, Ben has led with unparalleled ambition, dedication, and foresight. Under his leadership, The Gettysburgian staff received first-place Keystone Press Awards for both ongoing news coverage and editorials, and this past year, Ben...
A Parting Reflection from Gettysburgian Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Pontz
By Benjamin Pontz, Retired I’ve always loved newspapers. When I was in fourth grade, my teacher Mrs. Brown suggested that I start one. Almost surely, she was exasperated at my constant pestering and needed something to occupy me for a while, but start a class newspaper I did. Brown’s Clowns Monthly, as it was called, was (very briefly) the talk of Hans Herr Elementary School in Lampeter, Pennsylvania. We published weather...
Dear Dogtor Zach: Long Distance Relationships
By Gettysburg College Counseling Services Dear Dogtor Zach & Co., I was dating someone on campus before the pandemic hit and everyone scattered to go home. We are trying to work out a long distance relationship. How can we make this work? Signed, Distance Sucks Dear Distance Sucks, Whether it’s a pandemic, study abroad, or summer break, long distance relationships are often experienced by many college...
What We’ve Learned from Online Learning
Compiled by Emily Dalgleish, Opinions Editor We have reached the end of six weeks of online classes in a semester that none of us could have anticipated. In the transition to remote learning, many of us have been pushed out of our comfort zones. But throughout this process, we’ve also learned more about ourselves, our communities, and the ways in which we learn. We’ve asked faculty members and students to reflect on this period...
Dear Dogtor Zach: Finding Motivation
By Gettysburg College Counseling Services Dogtor Zach & Co., When I first got home and started doing remote learning, I was pretty okay. It took me a while to get into a routine, but I managed. However, now I am having trouble staying motivated to do my work. I am worried about my grades but even that doesn’t give me motivation. Can you help? –A struggling sophomore Motivation can be a hard thing to come by,...