Bullet Shot: Mother Nature

Bullet Shot: Mother Nature

By Claire Healey, Co-Sports Editor This week’s Gettysburg College Athlete of the Week goes to Mother Nature and her super consistent weather patterns. Before spring break, athletics teams were able to practice outside and enjoy some sunshine and warm weather. Most notably, there was a day in February of 80-degree weather, which was perfect to kick off the spring sports. Following the campus community’s return to school after spring...

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Ford Suffers Carpal Tunnel from Too Much Emailing

Ford Suffers Carpal Tunnel from Too Much Emailing

By Maddie Neiman, Staff Writer The Center for Career Development’s own Christopher Ford, Career Counselor and Coordinator of Marketing, was diagnosed earlier this week with a severe case of carpal tunnel in both of his wrists. Students might best recognize Ford from their Outlook inboxes, where his name has appeared again and again (and again) next to emails about upcoming career opportunities. Ford’s tireless dedication to keeping...

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Gettysburg College New Housing Initiative: “Too Cold for Mold”

Gettysburg College New Housing Initiative: “Too Cold for Mold”

By Noelle Zimmerman and Gauri Mangala, Co-Features Editors As the snow continues to fall with no signs of slowing up, more and more igloos appear to be popping up around campus. Gettysburg College students have simply had enough of the mold and various other residential issues, so they decided to take measures into their own hands. So far, these new igloo habitats have been spotted at SAE, Lambda, and 35 East Lincoln. While most of...

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New Bullet Will Include Craft Beer Option

New Bullet Will Include Craft Beer Option

By Jamie Welch, Editor-in-Chief A rotating selection of craft beers will be served in the new Bullet Hole, Director of Cash Operations Mike Bishop confirmed to GettyLeeks Tuesday afternoon. Selections from Appalachian Brewing Company, Battlefield Brew Works and Goose Island will be on tap every day, and every week a new craft brewery from around the country will be on rotation, including breweries such as Dogfish Head, Brooklyn...

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