Operation Hope: John Hope Bryant and Securing a Better Future

Operation Hope: John Hope Bryant and Securing a Better Future

By Nicole DeJacimo, Staff Writer “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” John Hope Bryant, Founder and CEO of Operation Hope, repeated this sentence to the audience dozens of times on Tuesday, February 27th when he spoke in the CUB ballroom. Operation Hope’s mission is to “equip young people and adults with the financial tools and education to secure a better future,”...

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President Arbaugh Delivers Speech Regarding Bob Garthwait at Student Senate

President Arbaugh Delivers Speech Regarding Bob Garthwait at Student Senate

By Nicole DeJacimo, Staff Writer The Monday, February 26, a Student Senate meeting heard remarks from President Nick Arbaugh ’20 regarding the recent Bob Garthwait situation. He wanted the student body to continue to voice their concerns and questions but asks that everyone makes their statements well thought out. He reminded the room  to be kind to one another in times like these, that it is our duty as Gettysburgians to...

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Iuliano’s Tenure at Harvard: A Look at the University’s Sanctions on Single-Sex Greek Organizations

Iuliano’s Tenure at Harvard: A Look at the University’s Sanctions on Single-Sex Greek Organizations

By Gauri Mangala, News Editor, and Nicole DeJacimo, Staff Writer After the announcement of Gettysburg College’s new president, Robert W. Iuliano, the community has whirred with questions and comments regarding his tenure at Harvard, and which of his decisions would translate back to Gettysburg. The biggest question surrounds what will become of Gettysburg Greek life. In 2016, Harvard implemented new policies that discouraged students...

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Chinese Moral Philosophy Workshop Discusses Qing Zhong’s Economic Policies

Chinese Moral Philosophy Workshop Discusses Qing Zhong’s Economic Policies

By Nicole DeJacimo, Staff Writer On Friday, Feb. 8, Romain Graziani and Harrison Curtis ‘19 discussed the intricacies of a passage from Qing Zhong’s Economic Policies. Graziani is a professor of Chinese Studies and specializes in philosophy at Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon. He read two versions of the same story to the workshop and explained how, from an anthropological perspective, we can analyze the paradigm of social structures....

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College Council Sets Priorities for Future Work

College Council Sets Priorities for Future Work

By Nicole DeJacimo, Staff Writer Last semester, President Riggs formed a College Council “to advise the President on issues and policies that affect campus and community life” as stated in the College Council’s mission statement as recommended by the Campus Climate Study Implementation Group. This will be especially helpful concerning the Presidential transition for the upcoming academic year. The council is composed of four students...

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