Care Bear Cares: How to study for finals

Care Bear Cares: How to study for finals

Dear Care Bear, With finals coming up, my brain is going into overload and I’m freaking out! I’m the type of student who tends to procrastinate day by day, but I always gets my act together before the deadline, but here I am with three tests to study for and I have no idea where to start. Can you help me out so I don’t have a nervous breakdown? Sincerely, I’ll Study Later   Dear ISL, I tend to have the same problem! I would...

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Aunt Izzie: How to not be a pushover

Dear Aunt Izzie, One of my friends is constantly taking her frustration and anger out on me, even though I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m too afraid of confrontation to say anything. Help! Sincerely, Unhappy Pushover   Dear Unhappy Pushover, Many a soul is plagued by what, depending on who you ask, could be labeled as “confrontation anxiety” or “wimpy-ness.” Fear not! There are easy steps you can take to making the transition...

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Care Bears Cares: Go Greek?

Care Bears Cares: Go Greek?

Dear Care Bear, With the second semester of my freshman year coming to a close, all the talk among my friends is about rushing in the fall and I’m not sure what I think of it all. On one hand, the idea of being in a sorority sounds like a ton of fun, and I like the idea of being part of a group with rich tradition and history, but on the other hand, I’m hesitant about the idea of “paying for friends” and trying desperately to suck up...

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Aunt Izzie: Choosing between two crushing girls

Aunt Izzie: Choosing between two crushing girls

Dear Aunt Izzie, Two different girls like me. What do I do? Sincerely, Two Girls, One Stud   Dear Two Girls One Stud, First of all, from all the people who have closer to zero people who like us, I would like to give you one big “boohoo” because this is not a real problem. Second of all, I’m sorry that my first of all was insensitive. In order to find a solid solution for your problem that many people would be happy to have a few...

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Aunt Izzie: Curing the Loss of Love

Aunt Izzie: Curing the Loss of Love

Dear Dizzie Izzie, I am in love with a man who abandoned me. I know you must receive letters like this all the time, but I must disclose the intensity of my indefinite dolor to someone! I was so close to this man. He enraptured and captivated my soul! Everything he did was so spectacular and splendid! Never have I felt such passion for someone. I loved him more than life itself. Every second I spent without him is a second without...

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Aunt Izzie: How to Dress to Impress

Aunt Izzie: How to Dress to Impress

Dear Aunt Izzie, I’m self-conscious about my body but still want to dress well. Do you have any tips? Sincerely, Fashionally Challenged   Dear Fashionally Challenged, I am bursting with tips, so much so that I often give unsolicited fashion citations to strangers on the street. She was wearing fringe boots AND a fringe jacket okay, something had to be said! The first step to dressing well is to embrace your shape. And I don’t...

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