Care Bear Cares: How to study for finals

Dear Care Bear,

With finals coming up, my brain is going into overload and I’m freaking out! I’m the type of student who tends to procrastinate day by day, but I always gets my act together before the deadline, but here I am with three tests to study for and I have no idea where to start. Can you help me out so I don’t have a nervous breakdown?


I’ll Study Later


Dear ISL,

I tend to have the same problem! I would recommend writing out a schedule of what you’re going to study when. That way, you’ll know what you have to do and won’t let yourself get thrown off. Also, make a to-do-list of things that will be helpful along the way (i.e. meet with your professor, write a study guide, etc.) If you’re prone to distraction, try your best to isolate yourself from your friends when you need to get things done. Claim a desk at the library before they’re all taken! Try to utilize on-campus resources such as the Writing Center for final papers and see if your class’s PLA is holding a study session. And remember: If you’re getting too overwhelmed, this campus is full of students feeling the same way, so know you always have people to vent to. Good luck!

Your friend,

Care Bear

rubinIf you’re dealing with a problem with classes, friends or anything else on campus, odds are someone else at Gettysburg is having a similar problem. So rather than confide in your parents or reliable best friend, why not publish your personal problems for all the world to see!? It’s like when you go up to your professor with a question, and he or she insists that you ask so the entire class can hear in case other students have the same question. My name is Caroline, and, hey!—I care! If you have a problem relating to school, friends, relationships, etc., go ahead and over-share. I will keep your identity a secret, and I might even be able to help! Email me your questions at and I will answer a different question every Monday! Help me to help you. Let’s start over-sharing.



Author: AnnaMarie Houlis

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