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Candidates Discuss the Issues at Student Senate Presidential, Vice Presidential Forums

Candidates Discuss the Issues at Student Senate Presidential, Vice Presidential Forums

By Gauri Mangala, Managing Editor The Gettysburgian hosted a Zoom forum via Facebook live for the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates of Student Senate on Monday, April 13. The forums were moderated by The Gettysburgian‘s editor-in-chief, Benjamin Pontz ’20. The presidential candidates, Kurtis Grey ‘21, Hassan William-Kone ‘21, Nadine Snyder ‘21, and Rock Swartz ‘22 delivered opening statements that largely tacked with their...

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Four Candidates Will Vie for Student Senate Presidency, Three for Vice Presidency

Four Candidates Will Vie for Student Senate Presidency, Three for Vice Presidency

By Gauri Mangala, Managing Editor The petition period for candidacy in the Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections has officially ended. Vying for the position of President are Kurtis Grey ’21, Nadine Snyder ’21, Rock Swartz ’22, and Hassan Williams-Kone ’21. Running for the position of Vice President are Lauren Browning ’22, Matthew James ’21, and Katherine Troy ’21. The...

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Student Senate Holds First Remote Meetings, Elections Soon Underway

Student Senate Holds First Remote Meetings, Elections Soon Underway

By Gauri Mangala, Managing Editor The executive board of Student Senate held an information session over Zoom on Monday, Apr. 6, for Vice President Jack Lashendock ‘20 to detail the election process for 2020-21 senators and officers. The entire executive board then fielded questions from students.  Lashendock reviewed the dates for petitions and elections. Despite the Constitution only prescribing a class year restriction for the...

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Student Senate Prepares for Virtual Election Process

Student Senate Prepares for Virtual Election Process

By Gauri Mangala, Managing Editor Patrick McKenna ‘20, President of Student Senate, has announced that the organization will be continuing its operations remotely for the rest of the semester. While the Senate will not proceed with weekly Monday night meetings, it will convene at least thrice more to carry out an information session and two candidate forums, hosted by The Gettysburgian. The Budget Management Committee will still be...

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April Fools: Underground Rushing Continues Online (Remote Hazing Very Effective)

April Fools: Underground Rushing Continues Online (Remote Hazing Very Effective)

By Gauri Mangala, Managing Editor Students of Gettysburg College have been extremely active in their advocacy for different student groups that have been affected by the move to remote learning. Acts of generosity and movements of positivity have provided many with hope in a time of much uncertainty, but perhaps students have missed the mark and have neglected a group that has been immeasurably affected by the coronavirus: frats. “How...

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