Chad-Alan Carr Announces Bid for Gettysburg Mayor

By Vincent DiFonzo, Editor-in-Chief

Gettysburg Borough Council Member-at-Large Chad-Alan Carr has announced his candidacy for mayor. Carr will challenge incumbent mayor Rita Frealing, who recently announced her intention to seek re-election

Carr works as the founding executive and artistic director at the Gettysburg Community Theater located at 49 York St. He founded the theater in 2009.

“Since moving here 17 years ago, I have worked to bring people together to share peace, love, happiness, and equality in Gettysburg. I will continue to do so, but I also believe Gettysburg needs stronger transparency and accountability to our community, and as Mayor, I plan to improve that,” said Carr. 

Carr organized Gettysburg’s first Pride Fest in 2017 and continues to chair it annually. Carr has previously spoken on campus at events organized by the theater; public policy and women, gender, and sexuality studies departments. 

Chad-Alan Carr

In 2019, Carr introduced a non-discrimination ordinance to the Borough Council to “ensure fair treatment for all residents.” The ordinance was adopted in 2020. Later that year, Carr earned the Peacemaker of the Year Award from the Interfaith Center for Peace and Justice, a local community organization. 

Carr was elected to the borough council in 2021 as a Member-at-Large. His campaign noted he “has a strong voting record of supporting the police department and public works” and that Carr “feels confident that he can help bring even better oversight to public safety because of his experience working on council.” 

The primary elections are scheduled to take place on Tuesday, May 20. Election day is on Tuesday, Nov. 4. If elected, Carr would serve a four-year term as mayor. 

Carr’s campaign noted that they can be contacted on their website,, via Facebook at Chad-Alan Carr for Mayor, on Instagram at @ChadAlanCarrForMayor or by email at

Author: Vincent DiFonzo

Vincent DiFonzo ’25 serves as Editor-in-Chief for the Gettysburgian. Vince is an IGS international affairs and history major with a political science minor. He served as Content Manager in Spring 2023 and as Opinions Editor and Lead Copy Editor for the Fall 2023 semester, before studying abroad in Berlin in Spring 2024. On-campus, he is the house leader for Public Policy House, an editor for the Gettysburg Social Science Review, a participant in Eisenhower Institute programs and Managing Editor of the Eisenhower Institute's Ike’s Anvil. Outside the Gettysburgian, Vince enjoys discovering new music, geography and traveling.

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