From Gettysburg to the Republican National Committee: The Journey of Gabriella Bucci ’19

From Gettysburg to the Republican National Committee: The Journey of Gabriella Bucci ’19

By Gracie Meisner, Assistant News Editor For Gabriella Bucci ’19, venturing outside her comfort zone and leaning into alumni connections mark her journey from a student at Gettysburg College to Deputy Director of Media Affairs at the Republican National Committee (RNC).  Bucci always knew she wanted to work in Washington, D.C. It was spring semester of 2019, she recalled, right before her graduation, when a few alumni from her...

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What Study Abroad Means to Students Amid Changes to CGE

What Study Abroad Means to Students Amid Changes to CGE

By Ava Burchell, Staff Writer At Gettysburg College, studying abroad is an integral part of the student experience. About 50 percent of the student population spends a semester abroad. Not only is studying abroad required or “very strongly encouraged” for certain majors like German and French, but it is also an experience like no other.  German Studies Associate Professor Kerry Wallach said, “Study abroad provides access to a unique...

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Faculty Favorites: Albums

Faculty Favorites: Albums

Compiled by Victoria Staub, Arts & Entertainment Editor As music streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music released annual wrap-ups at the end of November, here’s what five professors had to say about their five favorite albums and why they enjoy them so much: Timothy Shannon, Professor of History “In order of release year (I am a historian, after all): The Kinks, Muswell Hillbillies (1971): Many great musicians released...

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Students Support Petition to Reinstate Off-Campus Housing Options

Students Support Petition to Reinstate Off-Campus Housing Options

By Alli Dayton, Managing/News Editor Last year, Director of Residential Education Danielle Phillips announced to Student Senate that the College decided not to renew off-campus leases due to decreasing student enrollment. She also cautioned students not to sign any off-campus leases in the future. Now, students are taking action against this decision through a petition calling for the College to reinstate off-campus housing options....

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A Hard-Fought Season for Men’s Rugby

A Hard-Fought Season for Men’s Rugby

By Jack Herr, Sports Editor While club sports do not fall under the purview of the sports section very often, they are a vital aspect of campus life. Club sports offer the opportunity for non-student-athletes to maintain their athletic careers or start new ones and compete in sports like fencing, equestrian, and ultimate frisbee. One of these teams, men’s rugby, recently ended their fall season, losing in the first round of the...

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