The Seven Things You Can Do or Buy With One Hour of Student Wages (April Fools)

Editors' Note: This satire article is a part of The Gettysburgian's annual April Fools' special edition and is not a real news story.

What can you get with your student wages

By Nicole DeJacimo, Managing Editor

  1. Veggie Sushi from Kazue: Sure, this may be the only meal-swipe sushi left at 9:47 after your night class but its lack of flavor really gives your unfulfilling Tuesday a full-circle feeling. 
  2. A single gallon of gas: If you are lucky, you might get 1.5 gallons depending on your county. This could get you far enough to Target and back. 
  3. Half of a Servo dinner: You’ll need to save up two hours of hard work before being able to afford this luxury. I would recommend waiting until they serve “Grilled Salmon Faroe” to remind yourself you went to school in a landlocked state.
  4. A coffee date with Bob: Assuming Mr. President won’t pay for your drink, you can splurge on a large toasted vanilla latte with oat milk or a medium coffee with a donut on Fridays. Be sure to schedule this during his 15 minutes of office hours once a month. 
  5. A walk into the bookstore: After Barnes & Noble bought out the orange and blue, the bookstore has become more of an experience—a museum to walk through while buying and returning your textbooks. 
  6. A pack of salt from the Health Center: Have a slight cough? White phlegm in your throat? A broken arm? Make sure to pick up a few packages of salt in the Health Center you could have gotten for free in the Bullet Hole. 
  7. Literally nothing else: Unless you work for the CUB desk 😉

Author: Nicole DeJacimo

Nicole DeJacimo, ‘22, is the managing editor of The Gettysburgian and is a political science major with a double minor in writing and peace & justice studies. Outside of the Gettysburgian, Nicole is a Fielding Fellow and co-manager for the College Union Building Information Desk. During her free time, Nicole enjoys singing, reading, going to Waldo's and having movie nights with her friends. She plans on moving to D.C. after college to work as a political journalist.

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