Leadership, Fellowship, Service: APO Service Fraternity
By Mikelyn Britt, Contributing Writer Alpha Phi Omega (APO) is a national co-ed service-based organization. The Iota Omicron chapter on Gettysburg College campus has been active since 1952. The service fraternity provides charity through time and effort for various organizations and causes. APO has Greek letters, but is not affiliated with Greek life on campus. The organization is open to anyone on campus who has a desire to help...
Student Senate: COVID-19 Concerns, Budget Updates, and Impeachment Initiation
By Leah McCann, Staff Writer Monday night’s meeting included updates on the COVID-19 situation on campus, budget requests, and the initiation of an impeachment investigation for Vice President Colin Hughes ’23. Officer Reports President Sydney Quan ’22 reminded members to schedule 30 minute check-ins. Senate announced new sophomore Senators: Salim Alwazir ’24, Alex Rosado ’24, and Isabelle Stewart ’24, a...
Opinion: It’s On All of Us
By Emma Love, Contributing Writer “Is that an It’s On Us event?” “Yeah, looks like it.” “Wanna go another way?” “Yeah.” And with that, we went the long way around so we wouldn’t have to see the folding tables, the t-shirts, and the people from the Title IX Office. It’s always been hard to see these types of events put on by the school. The events where they look you in the face with a plaster-smile proclaiming that “We believe...
Jazz Appreciation Society Hosts 17th Annual Swing Dance
By Alicia Method, Staff Writer On Friday, Oct. 12 Gettysburg students gathered in the CUB ballroom for an evening of jazz, swing dance, and old-fashioned festivities. Flyers posted across campus alerted students to the semi-formal dress requirement as well as a pre-dance swing lesson taught by Swing! Club at 8 p.m. After the hour-long swing session, participants arrived in their formal wear ready to dance. After the Buzz Jones Big...
Former Phi Gamma Delta House Becomes Athena House
By Alli Dayton, News Editor Athena House, the location of the former Phi Gamma Delta fraternity house, is home to a female-only cohort of sorority women, overseen by the Office of Student Activities and Greek Life (OSAGL). 24 women, who are members of Gettysburg College’s six Panhellenic sororities, live in the house. OSAGL created the house, in coordination with the Panhellenic Council, to address the wishes conveyed by sorority...