Students Celebrate Diversity at Burgburst Event
By Alicia Method, Staff Writer On Satuday, Dec. 4 in the CUB ballroom, Gettysburg College celebrated its annual Burgburst celebration with dances and food contributed by students from across the globe. Burgburst is an event led by students that honors diverse cultures among Gettysburg’s student population. The event featured international foods from countries such as China and the Philippines and performances by students, including...
Student Senate: Future Plan for Off-Campus Housing, Guest Speaker, and IT Department Announcements
By Leah McCann, Staff Writer The Dec. 6 Student Senate meeting involved Danielle Phillips sharing of the College’s future plans for off-campus housing, Guest Speaker Ivana Lopez-Espinosa ’19, and announcements from the Information Technology department regarding the future of G-Tech. Officer Reports President Sydney Quan ’22 announced that vice president applications would be coming out after the meeting. Last week’s...
Eisenhower Institute Presents National Security Discussion
By Vanessa Igras, Staff Writer On Wednesday, Dec. 1, the Eisenhower Institute (EI) hosted a virtual conversation with Executive Director Tracie Potts and EI’s newest non-resident expert, Annie Morgan ‘06. Morgan’s experience as a defense attorney at the Military Commissions Defense Organization has provided her with great insight into the many aspects of national security. This virtual discussion also introduced a new Eisenhower...
Student Senate: Budget Requests and Proceedings with Impeachment of Colin Hughes
By Leah McCann, Staff Writer The Nov. 29 Senate meeting involved budget requests and proceedings with the impeachment trial of Vice President Colin Hughes ’23. Officer Reports President Sydney Quan ’22 once again offered 30 minute check-ins “for anyone who wants to talk.” Quan also announced that she is looking for members to join the Student Conduct Review Board. Director of Student Activities and Greek Life Jon Allen...
Problem of the Week: Rationality at Dessert
Editor’s Note: The Department of Mathematics at Gettysburg College hosts a problem of the week challenge to determine each semester’s Paul Mugabi problem-solving award recipient(s). Each week’s entries are scored by a faculty judge, and winner(s) from each week will receive a Problem Of the Week (P.O.W.) button. The Gettysburgian is not involved in or responsible for accepting or evaluating students’ submissions to this contest....