Sunderman Spotlight: Lani Deatherage

Lani Deatherage will perform her senior recital on trombone Sunday, December 3 (Photo provided)

Lani Deatherage will perform her senior recital on trombone Sunday, December 3 (Photo provided)

By Michelle Grosser, Staff Writer

What is your major?

Bachelor of Arts in Music

What is your instrument?


What has been the most important part of your conservatory experience?

I love music theory. But probably the connections and the people I have met. Friends and professors alike have shaped who I am today.

How will your time here have influence on your career in music?

All of the classes. I came in knowing I liked music theory. And then I took it here and the world expanded with set theory and theory three. But I also learned a lot through music history and ethnomusicology. And I have learned a lot about other instruments through friends, residencies, and masterclasses.

What are your plans for after graduation?

I plan to go to graduate school for music theory or trombone performance. And then on to a Ph. D in conducting, theory or performance. And if not maybe teach at a collegiate. I definitely want to play in a professional orchestra, but my day job is undecided right now.

Tell me about your recital.

I am playing mostly contemporary music. However, there are three pieces that are less out there, and they are a trombone duet, Blue Bells of Scotland by Arthur Pryon, and Meditations for Thais. My favorite thing about my recital is the difficulty of my repertoire. The pieces I chose are all the most challenging pieces I have ever played. Also, they are very bizarre, which I like because its not like any other recital. And finally, I love that I get to play a duet with my teacher.

What is your advice for future conservatory students?

Practice. A lot. And make a schedule. Make sure you have time for a social life but schedule time for homework and practice. And Sleep! Go to class and talk to your professors. They are humans too! Shape your experience how you want to. Nobody will shape it for you. Take control of it. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Try a lot of different ensembles. I am in a lot of ensembles this year, including choir for the first time since elementary school. But I still have time for all of the ensembles I used to do! Don’t be afraid, you never know where it will take you. And don’t be afraid to take secondary lessons. You can learn so much about the different instruments. Finally, Have a life. A lot of musicians dedicate themselves so much that they burn out. Find the healthy balance between your dedication to music and your emotional and physical health.

Lani’s senior recital is on December 3rd at 2:00 p.m. in Paul Recital Hall, Schmucker Hall.

Author: Michelle Grosser

Michelle Grosser '18 is a staff writer and photographer for The Gettysburgian. A senior at Gettysburg College’s Sunderman Conservatory of Music, she is pursuing her Bachelor of Arts degree in Music with a minor in Educational Studies. Michelle enjoys music analysis, arranging, and composition. When she is not studying, Michelle loves to read and spend time outdoors. After graduating in the spring of 2018, Michelle plans to pursue her master’s degree in Music Theory.

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