Penny Isherwood, 2005-2017: A life remembered

Penny, the beloved dog of Professor Ian Isherwood and his family, has died (Photo courtesy of the Isherwood family)
By Annika Jensen, Editor-in-Chief
West highland terrier Penny, the beloved dog of Professor Ian Isherwood, has died.
Born from stardust at the dawn of time, Penny fell quickly into legend as the loyal guardian of House Isherwood.
A fierce adversary of skateboards, the wee (but mighty) dowager could often be spotted on campus comforting students during finals, patrolling the grounds, plotting world domination, and–most importantly–showing off her family: the most esteemed matriarch, the good doctor, and the young Henry. Though known for her sass and low tolerance for nonsense, Penny brought joy to many lives in the Gettysburg area.
Her physical presence will be missed dearly, but her spirit has taken the last ship to Valinor to chase squirrels in green pastures hereafter.
April 22, 2017
My heart goes out to the Isherwood family. Just two weeks to the day after losing our own beagle/corgi Gator, I and my family know well the very special place our pets have in our families. Like children they are vulnerable even as they parade independence. They did not ask to be domesticated, and so we have a special obligation to them. In particular, Penny and Gator frequented their families’ college campuses (Gator at Lafayette College) and so extended their impact well beyond their domicile. Their passing leaves as deep a void as any beloved. For those who do not know the special gift of such a pet, one cannot explain the loss; for those who do know it, no explanation is needed. I trust that Gator and Penny have found one another at the Rainbow Bridge and are comparing campus notes. Thank you for a lovely memorial article.
April 24, 2017
Thank you, Nancy. This was beautiful and much appreciated by us.
April 26, 2017
Hi Ian, I am just reading this post about Penny. I am deeply sorry for your loss. I was the housekeeper for the CWI a few years ago. My favorite time going there to take care of your bldg was seeing Penny. She was always so happy to see me. Such a happy gal. I understand the loss of a furry family member. I have lost a few myself. People that do not have pets truly don’t understand this loss. This is such heartbreaking news for me. Our pets love us unconditionally, no matter what our mood that day. Always happy to see us when we come home, always there for us when we need companionship. This news breaks my heart Ian. When did this happen? Was she ill? Please know that I enjoyed every minute I got to spend with her when I was there. God bless you and your family. Renee Vargo
April 22, 2017
I’m so sorry to hear about Penny. I have many fond memories of running into her and your family on campus. She was a lovely dog who very obviously loved her family.
It must be a really bad month for dogs. My own puppy just passed away earlier this week at the same age as Penny.
Take care of yourself, Professor Isherwood – I know she’s well-missed.
April 24, 2017
Thank you, Emma. We really appreciate your writing. We are very sorry for your loss too.
April 22, 2017
It was always such a joy to see Penny on campus. I had missed my Westie at home, but seeing Penny on her strolls helped make my day a little better.
My Angel would love chasing the Gettysburg squirrels when she came to visit me. Now 14 with declining health, I can hope that she will be chasing some of those squirrels with Penny in doggie heaven.
April 24, 2017
Thank you, Jen, for writing. Give Angel a scratch from us when you are next at home.