Care Bear Cares: Handling problems with a professor

Dear Care Bear,

I am having an issue with a professor. About a month ago, I was sick and missed a test. When I was better, she agreed to let me take the test the following day (only after I showed her a note for the health center proving I was sick), and then expected me to take two tests in one day when it was my first day out of bed! If that wasn’t enough, she tried to justify all this to me by explaining that this is how things work in “the real world.” She is such a hypocrite! Isn’t being a college professor a job in the real world? And she’s had to miss class and delayed grading tests due to illness before. I thought I was past this, but recently this professor was again inflexible about something, and I find myself ruminating about it. Help!


Irony in the Ivory Tower



You can appeal to Academic Advising by going to their office in the CUB and presenting your issue to them. As for advice on how to deal with your professor: it is important to remember that the people whose job it is to teach us lessons are also flawed themselves. Holding a sense of righteous indignation towards your professor will only make you more angry, which will distract you from more important things. Instead, respond to her with kindness and empathy. I’m sure she’s coming from a good place.

Your friend,

Care Bear

If you’re dealing with a problem with classes, friends or anything else on campus, odds are someone else at Gettysburg is having a similar problem. So rather than confide in your parents or reliable best friend, why not publish your personal problems for all the world to see!? It’s like when you go up to your professor with a question, and he or she insists that you ask so the entire class can hear in case other students have the same question. My name is Caroline, and, hey!—I care! If you have a problem relating to school, friends, relationships, etc., go ahead and over-share. I will keep your identity a secret, and I might even be able to help! Email me your questions at and I will answer a different question every Monday! Help me to help you. Let’s start over-sharing.

Author: Jennifer Kiebach

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