Care Bear Cares: Finding your passions and creating goals takes time

Dear Care Bear,

Looking around at my fellow students, it seems as though everyone has found their passion except for me. I don’t know what I want to major in, and I can’t decide on which clubs to pursue. In other words, I’m envious of those who have a goal and are working towards it. What should I do?


A Lost Soul


Dear ALS,

Firstly, let me say that you are definitely not the only one feeling lost in the sea of all that is new in college. While some of your peers may already be pre-med and working towards becoming president of some club, you are not alone in your feeling at a loss when it comes to passion.

One thing you can do is stop by academic advising and talk to them about where you want to direct your interests. Think about what makes you light up. Oftentimes, the problem is knowing what you like to do, but not being certain where these interests can take you. The career center is also a great resource for discussing your goals, and they could even help you find an internship, which is an excellent way to explore possibilities.

Most importantly, you should relax and remember that you have time to figure out where you want to go in life. Try new things and step out of your comfort zone—you won’t be sorry you did!

Your friend,

Care Bear


If you’re dealing with a problem with classes, friends or anything else on campus, odds are someone else at Gettysburg is having a similar problem. So rather than confide in your parents or reliable best friend, why not publish your personal problems for all the world to see!? It’s like when you go up to your professor with a question, and he or she insists that you ask so the entire class can hear in case other students have the same question. My name is Caroline, and, hey!—I care! If you have a problem relating to school, friends, relationships, etc., go ahead and over-share. I will keep your identity a secret, and I might even be able to help! Email me your questions at and I will answer a different question every Monday! Help me to help you. Let’s start over-sharing.



Author: Jennifer Kiebach

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