Super Bowl LVIII Ends in Record-Breaking Style

Super Bowl LVIII Ends in Record-Breaking Style

By Joe Curry, Staff Writer A game that started rather slow became a nail-biter that was decided in the final minutes of overtime. Patrick Mahomes, Andy Reid, and the Chiefs are on their way to solidifying themselves as one of the greatest NFL franchises of all time. Sunday brought a game that had a lot to say not only about the future of the Chiefs but the future of football. The rally from the Chiefs earned them their second Super...

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Kowalski Wins Big at Centennial Conference Championship

Kowalski Wins Big at Centennial Conference Championship

By Owen Kutlu, Staff Writer The Centennial Conference wrestling championship took place this past weekend, and the Bullets finished in fifth place as a team. Gettysburg also had three individual wrestlers placed on the podium in their respective weight classes. Luke Kowalski ’24 was the lone champion for the Bullets. Kowalski wrestled in the 141 class, coming out on top against Muhlenberg’s Andrew Loniewski by a result of 8-3 after...

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Student Senate 2/12: Addressing Student Concerns and Holding a Goal-Setting Session

Student Senate 2/12: Addressing Student Concerns and Holding a Goal-Setting Session

By William Oehler, Contributing Writer Officer Reports  President Andrew Lemon ’24 opened the meeting with the announcement of the Franklin Moore Award. The award is presented to a Senior undergraduate student who “has shown the highest degree of good citizenship.” Senators were asked to vote for their candidate during the meeting through a posted link.  Vice President Geoffrey Meadville  ’25 Reminded everyone about the rules of...

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Opinion: Student Senate on Establishing Reasonable Grading Practices

Opinion: Student Senate on Establishing Reasonable Grading Practices

Framework and Basis The below opinion (S/RES/2401) was amended and approved by the Student Senate during its weekly meeting on February 12, 2024. The opinion was drafted by the Student Senate Opinions Committee during the week of February 4, 2024. The Committee found that, in general Students are dissatisfied by the current system of grade posting and the timeliness of grade returns. There exists inconsistencies in how professors...

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Opinion: The United States Must Act to Protect Human Rights in Palestine

Opinion: The United States Must Act to Protect Human Rights in Palestine

By Vincent DiFonzo, Staff Writer Since Oct. 7, over 30,000 people have died as a consequence of the Hamas attack on Israel and the subsequent Israeli assault on Gaza. No matter how you feel about the long and divisive Israeli-Palestinian conflict, there is no question that the world faces a massive humanitarian crisis—civilians on both sides are dead, millions are displaced from their homes and basic human rights have been repeatedly...

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Problem of the Week: Spring 2024, Number 4

Problem of the Week: Spring 2024, Number 4

Editor’s Note: The Department of Mathematics at Gettysburg College hosts a problem of the week challenge to determine each semester’s Paul Mugabi problem-solving award recipient(s).  Each week’s entries are scored by a faculty judge, and winner(s) from each week will receive a Problem Of the Week (P.O.W.) button.  The Gettysburgian is not involved in or responsible for accepting or evaluating students’ submissions to this contest....

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