Problem of the Week: Spring 2024, Number 7

Problem of the Week: Spring 2024, Number 7

Editor’s Note: The Department of Mathematics at Gettysburg College hosts a problem of the week challenge to determine each semester’s Paul Mugabi problem-solving award recipient(s).  Each week’s entries are scored by a faculty judge, and winner(s) from each week will receive a Problem Of the Week (P.O.W.) button.  The Gettysburgian is not involved in or responsible for accepting or evaluating students’ submissions to this contest....

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Middle States Evaluation Team to Hold On-Campus Visit

Middle States Evaluation Team to Hold On-Campus Visit

By Laken Franchetti, Editor-in-Chief This past week, emails were sent to the campus community from Steering Committee Co-Chairs Associate Professor of Anthropology Amy Evrard and Professor of Management Chris Zappe to update the community on the College’s process of reaccreditation, which is being made through the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). “Last year, our steering committee oversaw a self-study, and the...

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Wi-Fi Upgrade Announced for Gettysburg College

Wi-Fi Upgrade Announced for Gettysburg College

By Brandon Fey, Assistant News Editor Gettysburg College has recently announced a major two-year project to upgrade Wi-Fi on campus. On Thursday, Vice President of Information Technology (IT) and Professor of Computer Science Rodney Tosten sent an email addressed to the campus community about the initiative. His message announced that the college will begin phase one of this $2.4 million capital project over the summer of 2024. In...

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Gettysburg College Jazz Ensemble Celebrates Wayne Shorter

Gettysburg College Jazz Ensemble Celebrates Wayne Shorter

By Ainsley Green, Staff Writer On Feb. 24, the Sunderman Conservatory’s Jazz Ensemble performed their first concert of the spring semester at 8 p.m. in Gettysburg’s Majestic Theater. The concert was concise, with eight pieces running for under an hour, yet still displayed an immense amount of hard work from the ensemble as they only had a few weeks to prepare. The ensemble was directed by Coordinator of Jazz and Lecturer of Saxophone...

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A Touching Story of Love and Loss: “Steel Magnolias” Review

A Touching Story of Love and Loss: “Steel Magnolias” Review

By Leah Nath, Staff Writer The Department of Theater Arts, along with the Owl and Nightingale Players, debuted their version of “Steel Magnolias” on Thursday night. The opening performance received a standing ovation with audience members laughing through their tears. “Steel Magnolias,” at its core, is a show about the depth of female friendships. Though the aesthetic of the play that is established through costume, set design and...

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Tyler, the Creator’s Influence in Fashion and Style

Tyler, the Creator’s Influence in Fashion and Style

By Malachi Briscoe, Guest Columnist Editor’s Note: The Gettysburgian hosts guest columnists from the Fashion Initiative organization at Gettysburg College. The opinions published in this section are those of the individual writers and are in no way representative of the views of The Gettysburgian staff, The Gettysburgian or Gettysburg College. Tyler, the Creator has established himself not only as a trailblazing force in the music...

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