Faculty Meeting News and Notes: March 21, 2024

Faculty Meeting News and Notes: March 21, 2024

By Laken Franchetti, Editor-in-Chief President Bob Iuliano began Thursday’s meeting by informing the faculty that Dean of Admissions Gail Sweezey will be retiring at the end of July. She has served 41 years at Gettysburg College. Director of Peace and Justice Studies and Associate Professor of Africana Studies Hakim Mohandas was recognized for being selected as a Fulbright Scholar Alumni Ambassador. Associate Professor of Management...

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The Growing Popularity of Ski Club

The Growing Popularity of Ski Club

By Laurel Bennett, Features Editor The Gettysburg Ski Club has quickly become one of the largest organizations at Gettysburg College. Kayla Macdonald ’24 was the president of the Ski Club for the 2023-2024 academic year, and she was highly instrumental in the growth of the club.  As president, Macdonald was responsible for directing and organizing the skiing events at Liberty Mountain. The club has a very diverse group of members, and...

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Campus Safety Crime Log: March 4 – March 17, 2024

Campus Safety Crime Log: March 4 – March 17, 2024

Compiled by Alexis Doyle, Staff Writer Monday, March 4 Vandalism: 109 W. Lincoln Ave (PDT); Closed (Organization Referred to OSAGL) Vandalism: Patrick Hall; Closed (No Identified Suspects or Witnesses) Vandalism: Hanson Hall; Closed (No Identified Suspects or Witnesses) Harassment by Physical Contact, Dating Violence (VAWA Definition): Undisclosed on Campus Location; Closed (Information Received from Title IX Office) Trespass: 105 W...

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Wardrobe 101

Wardrobe 101

By Dan Nyguen, Guest Columnist Editor’s Note: The Gettysburgian hosts guest columnists from the Fashion Initiative organization at Gettysburg College. The opinions published in this section are those of the individual writers and are in no way representative of the views of The Gettysburgian staff, The Gettysburgian or Gettysburg College. A well-curated wardrobe is essential for several reasons. It is important for personal...

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Gettysburg College to Expand MA Program in American History

Gettysburg College to Expand MA Program in American History

By Sophie Lange, News Editor On Wednesday, Gettysburg College President Bob Iuliano announced in an email to the campus community that the College would be expanding its Master’s degree program in American History from the Gettysburg College-Gilder Lehrman Institute (GLI). The program became known for being an affordable and flexible option while maintaining its quality. Iuliano announced two expansions for the program, which is fully...

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Student Senate 3/18: Community Impact Project Discussion

Student Senate 3/18: Community Impact Project Discussion

By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor  Officer Reports President Andrew Lemon ’24 shared that the election onboarding committee is beginning and asked senators to join. He also urged members to not be on their laptops or phones during a meeting, especially when a guest speaker is presenting.  Vice President Geoffrey Meadville ’25 encouraged senators to keep up the momentum of the Student Senate as the end of the year draws closer. ...

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