Opinion: Letter to the Editor

Opinion: Letter to the Editor

By Robin Wagner, Dean of the Library To the editor: This is in response to your guest writer’s whining and tedious column about all the things that do not satisfy him at Gettysburg College (Gettysburgian magazine, March 2023, p. 10). I guess I should breathe a sigh of relief that the worst thing he can say about the library is that it is ugly.  But, come on! Didn’t anyone ever explain to him the difference between a package and the...

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Editorial: Student Senate Budget Issues Prove Change is Crucial

Editorial: Student Senate Budget Issues Prove Change is Crucial

By The Gettysburgian Editorial Board The spring 2023 semester has brought many debates regarding the Senate as a successful governing body due to their ineffective budget allocation for this academic year. At the start of the year, Senate was allotted $92,116 and by the end of the fall semester, $77,299.89 had been allocated, allowing for the rest of the spring semester budget to total $18,576.11—leaving merely 16 percent of the...

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Opinion: The Importance of College Mentorship

Opinion: The Importance of College Mentorship

By Mary James, Guest Columnist Throughout my whole academic career, I have gained mentors that have not only shaped the student I am but helped to shape the person I am. As I prepare to graduate in May, I cannot help but think of the mentors that I gained during my years at Gettysburg. I also feel compelled to share what I learned about the importance of connecting with professors and gaining mentors during your years at college with...

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Opinion: Actions Speak Louder than Words

Opinion: Actions Speak Louder than Words

By Sydney Kaplan ’22, Former President of Students Against Sexual Assault I distinctly recall being told repeatedly during my first semester at Gettysburg College (Fall 2018) to avoid FIJI; it was commonly known as “the rapiest frat.” There were rumors of individuals being drugged and of FIJI’s jungle juice being spiked with various substances. Whether or not any of this is true I cannot say; what I can say is that while my intention...

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Opinion: Gettysburg College is Stuck in the Past

Opinion: Gettysburg College is Stuck in the Past

By Dominic DiLuzio, Guest Columnist Gettysburg is known for its rich Civil War history. College ambassadors highlight the history of the College from the moment a new student steps onto campus, speaking of Union and Confederate troops occupying Penn Hall and underscoring almost every inspirational message with a historic Gettysburg anecdote. However, this inseparability from its history has had an unintentional effect on the College:...

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Opinion: Why Labs Should be Worth More than a Fourth Hour

Opinion: Why Labs Should be Worth More than a Fourth Hour

By Angelina Piette, Guest Columnist  Imagine this: you walk into your weekly 1:10 p.m. biology lab. You were told before coming that it was going to be a longer lab and you set your things at the lab bench. It takes the lab instructor thirty minutes to explain the lab before you and your partner dive into it. You watch as the time flies by: 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m., 5 p.m. Four hours later, you and your partner finish the lab and are...

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