Opinion: Why Classes Should Have Mid-Semester Evaluations

Opinion: Why Classes Should Have Mid-Semester Evaluations

By Mikelyn Britt, Opinions Editor As the year comes to a close, all courses are handing out evaluations which will allow students to share their opinions on the instructor, class and course materials. These are valuable sources of feedback for professors and education departments as it directly engages the student in making the course better for the next group. But why can’t it help out enrolled students? The introduction of...

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A Positive Opinion: Gettysburg Great?

A Positive Opinion: Gettysburg Great?

By Alfredo Roman Jordan, Staff Columnist I came across a comment by a parent on an old opinion piece. The parent expressed their desire to read more positive opinions about the college and what kids like about it, instead of the recent negative ones. This made me wonder about the image we are portraying of the College by only expressing negative opinions. As a result, I spent a whole shift at Commons ranting with my coworkers about...

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Opinion: Why Students Should Prioritize Writing

Opinion: Why Students Should Prioritize Writing

By Maddie Urbano, Guest Columnist I have loved writing for as long as I can remember. My first writing memory is from when I was eight years old and my mom gave me her old, bulky Dell laptop; I wrote a story about a princess and saved it to the desktop. I would continue writing casually throughout my life, but it was not until I came to college that I got to fully explore my love of writing. This love of writing has been further...

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Opinion: Student Worker Appreciation Week?

Opinion: Student Worker Appreciation Week?

By Hannah Rinehart, Guest Columnist I learned that last week was Student Worker Appreciation Week. I found out through Gettysburg College’s Instagram account, the morning after I was told I was out of a job.  I work for the mailroom on campus and have been since Spring 2021. As these two years have trickled by, I’ve seen the staffing of the mailroom diminish over time. There used to be four full-time workers in the mailroom, including...

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Opinion: Students Deserve a Seat at the Table

Opinion: Students Deserve a Seat at the Table

By Alfredo Roman Jordan, Staff Columnist The faculty at Gettysburg College is currently preparing to vote on proposed changes to the curriculum, which include the addition of a second first-year seminar and two half-credit courses. This proposal has faced significant pushback from faculty members, who have expressed concern about the lack of clarity regarding who will teach these courses. They argue that this will exacerbate the...

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Opinion: GPD is Failing Us

Opinion: GPD is Failing Us

By Alfredo Roman Jordan, Staff Columnist  Over the last weekend, we received emails regarding two separate incidents that affect our safety on campus. It’s no secret that safety on campus has been declining, as evidenced by various emails sent by Campus Safety at the beginning of the year following fights and arrests. In fact, Niche downgraded our college to a C+ for safety. The reality is that the campus doesn’t feel safe to...

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