Postcard from Abroad: Lessons from Budapest

Postcard from Abroad: Lessons from Budapest

By Kailey Costa, Contributing Writer  I jumped from my seat working 9 to 5 at the Food Bank for New York City, worked another final shift at the pub back home, packed a bag and two days later, I was in Budapest. In Budapest, the architecture takes you aback. You are certainly not anywhere near the small New England town you grew up in, or New York City, a city you adapted to live in.  Tones of yellows, red roofs and iron gate smoking...

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Juls Buehrer: Stitching Together Artistic Visions for the Gettysburg Stage

Juls Buehrer: Stitching Together Artistic Visions for the Gettysburg Stage

By Heather Wirick, Staff Writer The productions put on by the Gettysburg Theater Department bring a whirlwind of spectacle to audiences each year, and Juls Buehrer is a major contributor to this process. Serving as a painter for the department since 2010 and a costume designer since 2014, Buehrer brings a new, curated feel to each production, which is brought forth by her artistic training, inspirations and collaboration. Buehrer...

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Gettysburg Smoothie Co. Now Offered at Gettysburg College

Gettysburg Smoothie Co. Now Offered at Gettysburg College

By Laurel Bennett, Features Editor When Gettysburg Smoothie Co. opened its first location on York Street in May of 2022, it quickly became a staple for Gettysburg community members and students alike. This rapid success was followed by Gettysburg Smoothie Co. opening a second location at the Gettysburg Outlets in April this year.  The closure of The Dive in the Jaeger Center left a void on campus concerning dining options. Executive...

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Faculty Spotlight: Professor Steven Gimbel

Faculty Spotlight: Professor Steven Gimbel

By Zach Brooks, Social Media Manager Professor of philosophy Steven Gimbel academically specializes in the interdisciplinary space of the philosophy of physics. Gimbel has always loved physics and the big questions that the field asks. However, during his undergraduate education while studying physics, Gimbel described going to his professor’s office hours and realizing that the field was not looking at the big questions. “Physics...

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The Ann McIlhenny Harward Interdisciplinary Fund for Culture and Music

The Ann McIlhenny Harward Interdisciplinary Fund for Culture and Music

By Chloe Kieper, Contributing Writer On Oct. 30, Gettysburg College announced the creation of the $1.5 million Ann McIlhenny Harward Interdisciplinary Fund for Culture and Music. This fund is focused on furthering the college’s holistic approach within the community. The fund is intended to be used for the creation of free events, programs and opportunities for Gettysburg College students with a focus on music. The fund emphasizes the...

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Burgburst 2023: A Cultural Celebration Amid Challenging Times

Burgburst 2023: A Cultural Celebration Amid Challenging Times

By Brandon Fey, Staff Writer Burgburst, the highly-anticipated Gettysburg College tradition in which the student body shares its diverse cultural heritage through food, music, and community, took place in the College Union Building (CUB) ballroom on Saturday, Dec. 2nd, from 5:00-7:30 pm. The event featured 13 campus cultural organizations that provided food to the plethora of students and faculty members in attendance. Among them...

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