Growing a Twelve Year Tradition of French Cinema
By William Oehler, Director of Photography French professor Florence Jurney sits in front of her computer, scrolling through countless trailers of the newest French movies, already planning next years’ French Film Festival. Her passion project grew the minute she stepped onto Gettysburg’s campus decades ago, and since then she has spent each day working with countless campus partners to bring more community events to campus, the...
Faculty Spotlight: Professor Sushmita Sircar
By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor Assistant professor of English Sushmita Sircar decided her future lay in the subject when she took a Shakespeare class spring semester of her first year at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Originally planning to major in economics, that class changed her mind for good. “By the time I wrote my first paper,” Sircar recalled, “it was like, yeah, I’m going to be an English major.” Growing up...
Postcard from Abroad: Checking the European Reality
By Dominic DiLuzio, Staff Writer One of my biggest flaws is anxiety about new experiences: I need to know everything about a new place, down to the layout of the room and the arrangement of the seats. While preparing to leave for France in August, I had none of this. So, instead of fooling you with unrealistic pictures of chateaus and wine and fresh-baked bread, I’m here to offer you a realistic glimpse at my time so far to prepare...
Inside the Magic of Servo’s Themed Dinners
This article originally appeared on page 2 and 3 of the No. 1 December 2024 edition of The Gettysburgian magazine. By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor Every few months, Gettysburg College’s Servo dining center replaces the mundaneness of everyday dinners by transforming the space and hosting special themed dinners. These past years have spanned the Wizarding World, Red Carpet Music Awards, Mardi Gras, BooFest, Servo Thanksgiving and more....
Owl and Nightingale Players Celebrate 110th Anniversary
By Sophie Lange, Features Editor This semester, the Owl and Nightingale Players, Gettysburg College’s second-oldest student organization, celebrated its 110th anniversary. The club supports the promotion and advancement of the arts on campus, working with the College’s theatre arts department. Each year, they sponsor a range of events from special performances to trips and more. In the past years, they have held performances including...
The Teachers’ Pets of Gettysburg College
By Sophie Lange, Features Editor Jasper Professor and chair of the political science department Caroline Hartzell’s dog, Jasper, is a poodle and King Charles Cavalier spaniel mix with a few others thrown in. According to Hartzell, they got Jasper nine years ago, a week before her daughter left for college. She described his personality as sweet and friendly. “I like to say that he thinks his job is to be the neighborhood greeter....