RFYP Announces New Dates and Changes to Housing Selection

RFYP Announces New Dates and Changes to Housing Selection

RFYP Announces New Dates and Changes to Housing Selection   By Nicole DeJacimo, Investigations Editor On Friday, the office of Residential and First-Year Programs announced new dates for housing selection in April after the college’s shutdown postponed the process originally scheduled for March. Also, beginning with the Class of 2022, residential students will no longer have their GPA considered when determining their lottery number...

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Faculty and Students Adjust to Online Learning

Faculty and Students Adjust to Online Learning

By Phoebe Doscher and Nicole DeJacimo Last week, students and faculty underwent the first full week of remote learning, revealing many of the challenges they must overcome and unique situations that will persist for the remaining five weeks of the semester.  Professors are making accommodations to meet the needs of their students from their new environment. This entails providing alternative assignments, adjusting their syllabi, and...

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Opinion: Taking Care of Yourself During a Pandemic

Opinion: Taking Care of Yourself During a Pandemic

By Nicole DeJacimo It gets hard to quiet the voices in our heads when we spend too much time with them and without the voices of loved ones around us. People around the world are spending more time inside and alone than ever before because of COVID-19. While social distancing may be the best way to save more lives and avoid overwhelming medical services, sometimes the cure comes with damaging side effects. Of course, there are the...

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In Just Over 24 Hours, College Raises More Than $50,000 for Gettysburg College Student Emergency Fund

In Just Over 24 Hours, College Raises More Than $50,000 for Gettysburg College Student Emergency Fund

By Nicole DeJacimo, Investigations Editor As of 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, Mar. 19, the college has raised $56,510 in an urgent push to fulfill over $50,000 in student requests over the past several weeks to the Gettysburg College Student Emergency Fund. The campaign, launched in an email to alumni Wednesday by Alumni Board of Director President Lauren Wise Bright ’90, aims to raise $75,000 to support student expenses associated...

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As Coronavirus Spreads, College Largely Mum While Students Abroad Told Not to Travel

As Coronavirus Spreads, College Largely Mum While Students Abroad Told Not to Travel

By Nicole DeJacimo, Investigations Editor With college-sponsored spring break trips on the horizon and dozens of students studying abroad in Europe, the Center for Global Education and other study abroad programs released travel recommendations to Gettysburgians in light of an ever-expanding outbreak of the coronavirus. Students studying abroad in Austria, Switzerland, and Hungary have received instructions to avoid travel to Italy,...

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