Army War College Panel Highlights Civil-Military Relations to Build Trust
By Rifat A. Anik, Staff Writer The public policy department hosted the Army War College Civil-Military Speaker Series on Tuesday, Dec. 5, at Penn Hall Lyceum. The event aimed to bridge civil-military relations through open discussion and collaboration. The panel featured Lieutenant Colonel David Bradley, U.S. Army, a Field Artillery and Foreign Area Officer with extensive operational and foreign policy experience; Ms. Stephanie...
End-of-Semester Reflections: Student Perspectives
This article originally appeared on page 14 and 15 of the No. 1 December 2024 edition of The Gettysburgian magazine. By Ethan Osias, Guest Columnist During my time at Gettysburg I feel I have not only learned tons of new information in and outside the classroom, I have also learned how to be more confident with who I am and what I believe in. This is thanks to my professors for challenging me to go above and exceed my expectations I...
Senior Spotlight: Evan Hilborn, Tenor
By Leah Nath, Staff Writer Evan Hilborn ’25 performed their senior voice recital on Saturday, Nov. 16 at the Paul Recital Hall. A music education major and peace & justice studies minor, this recital was the culmination of Hilborn’s education on his primary instrument: voice. Surrounded by their family and friends as they displayed all they have learned and worked for, Hilborn beamed on stage. The eight songs composing his recital...
Postcard from Abroad: Checking the European Reality
By Dominic DiLuzio, Staff Writer One of my biggest flaws is anxiety about new experiences: I need to know everything about a new place, down to the layout of the room and the arrangement of the seats. While preparing to leave for France in August, I had none of this. So, instead of fooling you with unrealistic pictures of chateaus and wine and fresh-baked bread, I’m here to offer you a realistic glimpse at my time so far to prepare...
Campus Safety Crime Log: Nov. 18 – Dec. 1, 2024
Compiled by Alexis Doyle, Staff Writer Monday, Nov. 18 No Crimes Reported Tuesday, Nov. 19 Furnishing Alcohol to Minors, Underage Possession/ Consumption of Alcohol; Breidenbaugh Hall: Closed (Referred to SRR) Clery Act Liquor Law Violation Referrals: 2 Wednesday, Nov. 20 Attempted Theft from a Motor Vehicle; College Apartments: Transferred to Gettysburg PD Defiant Trespass; Stadium: Closed (Referred to SRR) Thursday, Nov. 21 No...