Gettysburg College Participates in the 2024 Election

Gettysburg College Participates in the 2024 Election

By Brandon Fey, News Editor The Gettysburg College community engaged in the historic 2024 Presidential Election through themed events and discourse leading up to Tuesday, when students and faculty finally cast their votes at the polling station created in the CUB Ballroom on campus.  There had been significant efforts by student organizations to get their classmates to register to vote in the weeks prior to the election. The Political...

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Missing Packages: Charges Delivered in Gettysburg Borough Mail Theft Scandal

Missing Packages: Charges Delivered in Gettysburg Borough Mail Theft Scandal

By Brandon Fey, News Editor Gettysburg College received a mysterious influx of missing package reports throughout the last school year. Several students expecting packages reported having never received their items from the Campus Post Office after having ordered them to be shipped via the United States Postal Service. One junior student at the College was disheartened to discover that a package sent to her by her aunt containing...

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College Prepares Students for Potentially Disruptive Phase of Borough Construction on N. Washington Street

College Prepares Students for Potentially Disruptive Phase of Borough Construction on N. Washington Street

By Brandon Fey, News Editor The Gettysburg Borough has undertaken an infrastructure project to replace the domestic water line and storm sewer line along North Washington Street in an effort to improve stormwater control. Construction has been underway since the summer, though the College is now preparing for the next phase project which will involve a 24/7 burrowing operation beneath the railroad tracks that could potentially cause...

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Congressional Candidate Beth Farnham Visits College Democrats

Congressional Candidate Beth Farnham Visits College Democrats

By Brandon Fey, News Editor Gettysburg College Democrats hosted Beth Farnham, the Democratic nominee for Congress in Pennsylvania’s thirteenth House district, on Wednesday, Oct. 30 for a discussion on local politics and abortion.  Farnham prefaced her talk by acknowledging the difficulty she faces as a Democratic candidate in a historically conservative district. Despite this, she remains determined to hold abortion access and...

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Student Senate 10/28: Pool Proposal and Halloween Events

Student Senate 10/28: Pool Proposal and Halloween Events

By Brandon Fey, News Editor Officer Reports                                                                                                                                                                                                  President Michael Woods ’25 announced that the following Nov. 4 meeting would be “Senate Halloween.” He welcomed costumes and said that there would be candy. He also announced that there is now a full...

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