Does meal frequency promote weight loss

Does meal frequency promote weight loss

By Ari Snaevarsson, Features Editor Meal frequency often gets brought up in weight loss discussions, and I feel diving into some of the misconceptions, giving you a clear cut answer to the title question, would be a nice, informative way to kick off the semester.  Read on to learn the truth of the contribution of meal frequency to any dieting bout. Matters get confusing when we consider that different protocols have touted the...

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When and how often should you eat?

When and how often should you eat?

By Ari Snaevarsson, Features Editor I think the question, “When/how often should I eat,” or some variation of that, is on a lot of people’s minds.  I have quite a bit to get through in answering this, but I wanted this all in one succinct piece, so here it is.  Bear with me and give this a read, because this should serve to put this worry to rest and give you the [almost] complete story. Calorie distribution The first aspect to this...

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Why not to crash diet

Why not to crash diet

By Ari Snaevarsson, Features Editor There is a certain allure to severe caloric deficits for weight loss.  The thinking is that bigger is better, and so a greater degree of caloric restriction must yield greater results.  Any reservations that dieters may have regarding such an approach are easily ameliorated by whatever hogwash rationale is being thrown out by the prescribing diet guru.  “Take shots of apple cider vinegar between...

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Why bland diets may be better for weight loss, but not completely

Why bland diets may be better for weight loss, but not completely

By Ari Snaevarsson, Features Editor An interesting concept in the realm of nutrition science and diet therapy for overweight/obese individuals is what is known as the “food reward hypothesis.”  This states that the reward and hedonic values of food drive us to seek out more food, thereby directly influencing both food intake and body fatness.  In essence, good-tasting food makes your brain go, “Oh, that is a good thing.  Let me get...

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