Student Senate 9/2: First Meeting of the Semester 

Gettysburg College Student Senate Logo. On Sept. 2, the Senate held its first meeting of the 2024-25 academic year.

By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor 

Officer Reports 

President of the Student Body Michael Woods ’25 opened up the first Student Senate meeting by welcoming everyone.

“Welcome to Senate! It feels good to have everyone back in the room,” said Woods.

He also shared that applications for committee chairs and affinity group leader elections will be coming out in the upcoming weeks.

Vice President Abby Ruggiero ’26 echoed Woods in welcoming students back. She also stated to reach out to her or Secretary Olivia Taylor ’25 about any questions pertaining to the agenda. 

Parliamentarian Carl DeMarco ’25 informed students that there have been no applications for vice president of the class of 2028, so he encouraged first-years to apply. Additionally, the executive board will appoint a senator for the class of 2025, which they already have applications for. 

Treasurer Jack Thompson ’27 notified the audience that the Budget Management Committee approved $3,200 of emergency budgets this week in lieu of a summer BMC meeting. 

Taylor and Inclusion Officer Oliver Eckloff ’27 welcomed new and returning students to Senate. 

Advisor Associate Vice President for College Life and Dean of Students Jeff Foster welcomed students and told them that Woods will be on the Student Life Committee and attend a Board of Trustees meeting for Student Life to be a voice for students. 

Advisor Director of the Office of Student Activities and Greek Life Jon Allen reminded clubs and organizations to register for the Activities Fair on Sept. 12. 

Committee Reports 

The executive board is working on setting committee meeting times. 

Club Reports and Announcements 

Young Americans for Freedom will place flags on Stine Lake for their annual 9/11 Never Forget Project. 

Applications for the Garthwait Leadership Center’s Group Facilitation Fellowship, Leadership Certificate and Outdoor Leadership Program are open until Sept. 16. 

Student Concerns 

Senator Alfredo Roman Jordan ’26 expressed his concern that the College knew of a possible rally by the neo-nazi group the Blood Tribe and did not notify students over move-in weekend. Roman Jordan also inquired about low enrollment at the College. 

One student asked for a map to be created to navigate the upcoming construction on North Washington Street. 

Another student conveyed annoyance about spotty WiFi in College Apartments. “It’s not a matter of low WiFi. It’s a matter of no WiFi,” they said.  

DeMarco mentioned that the lines at Servo are exceptionally long around noon. 

Author: Ella Prieto

Ella Prieto ’26 serves as the Managing Editor for the Gettysburgian. Previously, she worked as the News Editor, the Assistant News Editor, and as a staff writer for the News and Arts & Entertainment sections. Ella is a double major in Public Policy and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a Writing Minor. On campus, Ella volunteers with the Casa Swim program, is an It’s On Us Fellow in the Office of Sexual Respect and Title IX, and is the President of the Panhellenic Council. She loves to read and keep up with celebrity drama in her free time.

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