Fee Joins The Gettysburgian as Faculty Advisor 

Professor of English Christopher Fee joined the Gettysburgian as its new faculty advisor. (Photo courtesy Gettysburg College)

Staff Report

Professor Christopher Fee, Graeff professor of English and medievalist, has been named the Gettysburgian’s faculty advisor. 

Fee specializes in medieval literature, mythology and the history of vikings. He has written books including “The History of the Vikings: Norse Sagas, Medieval Marauders, and Far-Flung Settlements,” “Mythology in the Middle Ages: Heroic Tales of Monsters, Magic, and Might,” and “The History of English: The Biography of a Language,” among many others.  

Fee earned two master’s degrees: in English from Loyola University of Chicago and in medieval studies from the University of Connecticut. Following this, he moved to Scotland where he earned his Ph.D in English language from the University of Glasgow in 1997. 

Fee takes over from public policy professor Scott Boddery, who has advised the Gettysburgian since 2019. The Gettysburgian thanks Boddery for his years of insightful guidance and congratulates him on the recent birth of his child. 

Author: Gettysburgian Staff

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