Title IX, OME and GSRC to Provide Rapid HIV and STI Testing to Students

By Sophie Lange, News Editor

On Thursday, Feb. 8 from 2 to 6 p.m., free and confidential rapid HIV and STI testing will be offered in the CUB Ballroom. This event is sponsored by the Office of Sexual Respect and Title IX (Title IX), the Office of Multicultural Engagement (OME) and the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC).

Students do not need to make appointments or give their insurance, but they will need to fill out two intake forms. For those who wish to complete the forms ahead of time, they can be found on EngageGettysburg. These forms can also be completed at the event itself.

Similarly to last semester’s rapid HIV and STI Testing event, Family First Health will be providing rapid HIV testing, which is conducted through a finger prick. For this test, the participant will know the results within 15 minutes. 

Title IX Coordinator and Director of Civil Rights Compliance and Education Amanda Blaugher said Family First asks that those who want to fill out the forms ahead of time “complete the highlighted information on page one and then sign your name on page two.”

The Adams County Department of Health will be providing tests for chlamydia and gonorrhea using urine samples and syphilis with a blood draw. These results are provided approximately two days after the tests are taken.

Blaugher said that “tables will be set up in the Ballroom with some activities while people wait, as well as candy, and of course, condoms.”

Author: Sophie Lange

Sophie Lange is the News Editor for The Gettysburgian. Previously, she served as a Staff Writer for the News section. Sophie is an Environmental Studies, Spanish and Public Policy triple major from northern Maryland. On campus, she is a research assistant for the Environmental Studies Department and a member of the Interfaith Council. In her free time, Sophie enjoys spending time outdoors and writing.

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