Student Senate 1/29: First Meeting of the Semester

By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor 

Officer Reports 

President Andrew Lemon ’24 began the meeting by welcoming everyone back.

“Welcome back everybody, to new faces and old, returning. I hope everyone had a great break!” said Lemon.

He stated that the Student Senate Executive Board is working to create goals for this semester that will be shared with the entire Senate once completed. Additionally, he is working to build two committee projects with the College Life Advisory Committee (CLAC) and Safety & Wellness Committee. Finally, he expressed his hope to meet with senators one-on-one to build relationships. 

Vice President Geoffrey Meadville ’25 reminded everyone of their updated standards regarding the dress code and that senators must give a two-week notice if they resign. He too is hoping to hold one-on-ones with senators. 

Student Senate Meeting 1/29. (Photo William Oehler/The Gettysburgian)

Student Senate Meeting 1/29. (Photo William Oehler/The Gettysburgian)

Parliamentarian Michael Woods ’25 stated that the new procedure for electing Affinity Group Leaders to the Senate will be revealed next week. 

Treasurer Alfredo Roman Jordan ’26 gave a budget update, sharing that the Senate has allocated $53,235 and spent $32,205. He stated that he feels comfortable with where the budget is at.

Secretary Grace Nelson ’26 explained that a Senate Open will be happening this semester, with the date for it being announced sometime in the upcoming two weeks. The theme has been chosen as Margaritaville. 

Inclusion Officer Abby Ruggiero ’26 stated that the Inclusion Committee will be meeting next week on Friday at Glatfelter Hall Room 007 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. 

Director of the Office of Student Activities and Greek Life (OSAGL) and Student Senate Advisor Jon Allen shared that the Senior Class Speaker nomination form will be coming out.

Committee Reports

The Opinions Committee will be meeting on Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. in CUB 212. Committee Chair Dominic DiLuzio ’26 is working to change the formatting of Student Senate Opinions, which will be discussed at the meeting. 

The Academic and Career Affairs Committee will meet on Thursday from 12 to 1 p.m. in the Writing Center of Breidenbaugh Hall. They are planning to work on a new pilot to push for further transparency from the College’s administration. 

Club Reports and Announcements 

Hillel will be hosting a Tu BiShvat Plant Potting event in conjunction with Farmhouse. This will be held at Farmhouse on Feb. 2 from 4 to 5:30 p.m.

Alpha Phi Omega (APO) will have their rush week from Feb. 19 to 24. 

Alpha Omicron Pi will be selling Rose Grams from Feb. 1 to 2. All proceeds from the event will go to YWCA Safe Home in Adams County.

Gettysburg Debate will have its first meeting of the semester on Wednesday at 6 p.m. in Breidenbaugh Hall. 

Student Concerns 

Lemon gave updates on student concerns from last semester. He stated he is working with Executive Director of Campus Safety Alex Wiltz and Gettysburg Police Department Chief of Police Robert Glenny to attend a Wellness & Safety Committee. This will help to address concerns about over-policing on campus. Additionally, Colonial Hall laundry should be fixed according to Associate Vice President of Facilities Planning & Management James Biesecker. Finally, the kegerator in The Attic will be replaced in the summer. 

New concerns included better shoveling and salting of the snow on walking paths, the price of needed materials for courses and the disorder as well as the quality of food in the Bullet Hole. 

Budget Requests 

The Gettysburg African Students Association (GASA) requested $1,300 for their Black Excellence Gala. It was funded in full with a unanimous vote. 

Mock Trial Club presenting their budget to the Student Senate. (Photo William Oehler/The Gettysburgian)

Mock Trial Club presenting their budget to the Student Senate. (Photo William Oehler/The Gettysburgian)

The Mock Trial Club requested $2,431 for them to participate in a regional competition. After debate and a failed motion, the Senate allocated $2,432. 

Student Musical Theater requested $2,105 to put on their production of “Something Rotten.” It was allocated in full after debate. 

The Vietnamese Student Association requested $1,100 to host a Lunar New Year celebration. It was approved in full unanimously. 


Author: Ella Prieto

Ella Prieto ’26 serves as the Managing Editor for the Gettysburgian. Previously, she worked as the News Editor, the Assistant News Editor, and as a staff writer for the News and Arts & Entertainment sections. Ella is a double major in Public Policy and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a Writing Minor. On campus, Ella volunteers with the Casa Swim program, is an It’s On Us Fellow in the Office of Sexual Respect and Title IX, and is the President of the Panhellenic Council. She loves to read and keep up with celebrity drama in her free time.

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