ResEd Hosts Friend Fest on Stine Lake

ResEd Hosts Friend Fest on Stine Lake

By Vincent DiFonzo, Staff Writer On Thursday, Sept. 22, kites soared over Stine Lake as the Office of Residential Education (ResEd) kicked off the school year with Friend Fest. Students enjoyed activities, games, snacks, and raffles at this event, giving students time to relax and have a fun time with the opportunity to meet other students.  As the new academic year begins, ResEd aims to get students, especially first-years,...

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Annual Campus Safety Day Brings the Smoke

Annual Campus Safety Day Brings the Smoke

By Ella Prieto, Staff Writer  On Sept. 22 Campus Safety hosted its annual Campus Safety Day. The event, started by Life and Fire Safety Manager Ron Parr, has been occurring since 2007. While it was originally created as a way to involve Greek organizations on campus with safety protocols, the event has since progressed to one involving the entire Gettysburg campus.  Like every year, the Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) fraternity volunteered...

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Eisenhower Institute Hosts Voter Registration Event

Eisenhower Institute Hosts Voter Registration Event

Chloe Gagnier, Contributing Writer On Thursday, Sept. 22 the Eisenhower Institute and the Center for Public Service hosted a Voter Registration Drive in the College Union Junction.  Members of the campus community were free to simply walk in and register to vote. Students and members of the Eisenhower Institute made the process fluid, indicating the necessary sections and information needed for the forms. Many of those attending were...

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President Iuliano Discusses Race-Conscious Admissions at Brown Bag Lunch

President Iuliano Discusses Race-Conscious Admissions at Brown Bag Lunch

By Katie Oglesby, Editor-in-Chief On Thursday, President Bob Iuliano spoke for the first lecture of the Brown Bag Lunch Series co-sponsored by the political science and public policy departments.  Iuliano focused on the topic of “race-conscious admissions,” or what people more commonly know as “affirmative action.” The topic is a timely one; there are two cases before the Supreme Court this year to determine if the use of...

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Listeners & Performers Host Open Mic Night at the Junction and Have More Events Planned in October

Listeners & Performers Host Open Mic Night at the Junction and Have More Events Planned in October

By Kenzie Smith, Contributing Writer In early September, Listeners & Performers hosted an open mic event in the Junction at CUB. People began to arrive half an hour before the start time, and by nine o’clock, the Junction was packed with students. Though a sign-up sheet had been sent out via email, sign-ups were available on the spot and people took advantage of this opportunity.  Ratul Pradhan ’25 and Jack Joiner ’25, the...

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