A Behind the Scenes Look at Servo Thanksgiving

A Behind the Scenes Look at Servo Thanksgiving

By Sydney Dyer, Staff Writer While it is commonly known that Servo Thanksgiving is a long-held tradition at Gettysburg College, the amount of work and planning by the Servo staff that goes on behind the scenes is often unknown to students. Dining Center Supervisor Joseph Wheeler shed light on this planning.  According to Wheeler, the food preparation is planned months in advance to accommodate the 1,600 students, staff and volunteers...

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Gender and Sexuality Resource Center Recognized in Letter from President Biden

Gender and Sexuality Resource Center Recognized in Letter from President Biden

By Vincent DiFonzo, Staff Writer On Oct. 19, the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC) received a letter from President Biden, congratulating and thanking them for the work they do to promote and protect LGBTQ+ rights on campus. The letter also acknowledged the hardships faced by LGBTQ+ people and reaffirms the Biden Administration’s commitment to the group.  In 2014, the Obama Administration began to send letters to...

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Student Senate Nov. 7: Senate Hosted Two Budget Requests and Motioned to Impeach a Senate Member

Student Senate Nov. 7: Senate Hosted Two Budget Requests and Motioned to Impeach a Senate Member

By Kenzie Smith, Staff Writer On Monday, Student Senate addressed student concerns, hosted two budget requests, and held an executive meeting to privately vote on a motion to impeach a member. Officer Reports President Miranda Zamora ’23 started off by reminding members to be respectful during meetings.  Vice President Geoffrey Meadville ’25 informed Senate members about the updated format Senate will be using to keep track of...

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Eisenhower Institute Hosts Virtual Event to Discuss the Midterm Elections

Eisenhower Institute Hosts Virtual Event to Discuss the Midterm Elections

By Kenzie Smith, Staff Writer On Wednesday, the Eisenhower Institute hosted a virtual event titled “Midterm Elections: What’s Next for Congress, America, and Democracy.” The panel for this event included Executive Director of Eisenhower Institute Tracie Potts, Gettysburg College Professor of Political Science Bruce Larson, Executive Director of the Democracy Program at the Bipartisan Policy Center Mathew Weil, and NPR Senior Political...

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Bullets Basketball Season Preview

Bullets Basketball Season Preview

By Charlie Miller, Staff Writer The Bullets basketball program has been one of the strengths of Gettysburg Athletics in the last few years. The women’s team is the defending Centennial Conference champion, and last year, the men rolled to their first playoff berth since 2016. Both teams look to continue this success into the 2022-23 season. Despite their shared success, both have very different complexions heading into their seasons,...

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