Newman Association and Hillel Host an Interfaith Thanksgiving

Newman Association and Hillel Host an Interfaith Thanksgiving

By Zach Brooks, Staff Writer Every Sunday after 5 p.m. mass, members of the Newman Association (the student partner with the Catholic Campus Ministry) and Hillel (which serves spiritual, cultural, and social needs for Jewish students) gather to share a meal in the Christ Chapel basement. These Sunday suppers are a time for students to come together and share a meal, and in that spirit, the two organizations partnered to host an...

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Gettysburg College Holds 60th Annual Robert Fortenbaugh Memorial Lecture

Gettysburg College Holds 60th Annual Robert Fortenbaugh Memorial Lecture

By Nate Hoffert, Staff Writer    On Saturday at 7 p.m., Gettysburg College held the 60th Annual Robert Fortenbaugh Memorial Lecture at the Majestic Theater, featuring guest speaker Dr. Carol Reardon. The Robert Fortenbaugh Memorial Lecture features one lecture per year on Nov. 19, the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address. The series serves to further the knowledge of the Battle of Gettysburg and recognize history’s significance...

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Student Senate 11/21: Senate Gave Officer Reports and Announced the GSRC Will Speak at the Next Meeting

Student Senate 11/21: Senate Gave Officer Reports and Announced the GSRC Will Speak at the Next Meeting

By Kenzie Smith, Staff Writer Monday’s Student Senate Meeting included officer and committee reports and an announcement that the Gender Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC) will be the guest speaker at the next meeting. Senate was unable to vote on budget requests and policy since there were not enough voting members present to do so. Officer Reports President Miranda Zamora ’23 started off with her weekly reminder for members to be...

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The Weekly Roundup Nov. 21 – 27

The Weekly Roundup Nov. 21 – 27

Compiled by Vincent DiFonzo, Staff Writer   Monday, Nov. 21 Noon – 1 p.m., Bible Study, Glatfelter Hall 203 1 p.m. – 3 p.m., Dean Ehrlich Drop-In Hours 2 p.m. – 3 p.m., Student Senate Academic/Career Affairs Meeting, College Union 206 3 p.m. – 4 p.m., Zumba, Jaeger Center 143 Multipurpose Room 4 p.m. – 5 p.m., Pre-Law Club Meeting, Glatfelter 103 4 p.m. – 6 p.m., Ultimate Frisbee Club Meeting,...

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A Video from TFP about the Anti-Abortion Demonstration outside Servo Goes Viral

A Video from TFP about the Anti-Abortion Demonstration outside Servo Goes Viral

By Katie Oglesby, Editor-in-Chief On Oct. 25, The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) held an anti-abortion protest outside of Servo. In response, students led an impromptu counter-protest.  On Saturday, the TFP posted a video—with now over 15,000 views—to their YouTube channel alleging that at this protest students “attacked” their member holding the “Smile! You survived abortion!” sign.  In the...

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