NFL Season Recap: A Season Unlike Any Other Ends in a Familiar Way

NFL Season Recap: A Season Unlike Any Other Ends in a Familiar Way

By Jack Herr, Staff Writer When the COVID-19 pandemic struck in March, the sports world, like many other aspects of life, ceased to operate for several months due to both governmental regulations and a general concern over how to contain transmission of the virus in high-contact play. The NBA was the first league to spur a successful return to sports, creating the well-known “bubble” in Orlando, FL, utilizing Disney World resources....

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Blast from the Past—February 9, 2021 Edition

Blast from the Past—February 9, 2021 Edition

By Shannon Zeltmann, Staff Writer This week in 1991, the library shortened the loan period for students to thirty days. This new loan period was an attempt to allow more students to use the books. The library also added that students could request a book that they needed. This way they can request a book that has already been checked out of the library and when a book is returned, the student can pick up the requested book right away....

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Opinion: Want Healing? Abolish the Filibuster

Opinion: Want Healing? Abolish the Filibuster

By Carter Hanson, Staff Writer The Republican Party has become, through the gradual rise of the far-right and its embrace of destructive conspiracy theories, the party of untruth and authoritarianism. Most recently illustrated by the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol, this dangerous brand of politics directly threatens American democracy. President Biden and the Democratic Party have a rare opportunity and a solemn duty to right the...

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Centennial Conference ‘Continues To Evaluate the Possibility of Spring Conference Competition’

Centennial Conference ‘Continues To Evaluate the Possibility of Spring Conference Competition’

By Garrett Glaeser, Sports Editor In a highly anticipated update for all eleven member institutions, the Centennial Conference announced today that spring athletics remain in limbo. The conference explained that, after great consideration with the Presidents Council, conditions with the pandemic need to significantly improve to have conference play. A final decision on spring sports will be made by the end of the month. If cancelled,...

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The Spring Semester and Beyond: 10 Takeaways From Our Conversation With President Iuliano

The Spring Semester and Beyond: 10 Takeaways From Our Conversation With President Iuliano

By Anna Cincotta, Editor-in-Chief   With the start of a new semester during a pandemic comes a host of new challenges along with opportunities for improvement. Here are ten takeaways after sitting down, albeit virtually, with President Bob Iuliano.   1. Approximately 60 percent of the student body is currently on campus.  This percentage accounts for students across all class years.   2. The college will prioritize...

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