Ten Students Test Positive for COVID in Final Week of the Semester

By Phoebe Doscher, Editor-in-Chief

On Wednesday morning, Dean of Students Anne Ehrlich alerted the campus community that in the past week, 10 students and two employees have tested positive for COVID-19. Over the entire semester, a total of 50 students and 42 employees have tested positive.

The news comes alongside the latest surge of COVID cases at colleges and universities around the country; Middlebury College in Vermont moved final exams and classes online for the remainder of the semester following an uptick in cases, along with Cornell University, which shut down its Ithaca campus after reporting more than 900 positive cases in the past week.

Ehrlich said that students can get COVID tests prior to departing campus at the Mobile Health testing site on Wednesday or Thursday between 1–6 p.m., or at Health Services on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The last day of final exams at Gettysburg is Saturday, Dec. 18.

“We are closely monitoring public health guidance and will be in touch regarding spring semester protocols after the first of the year,” Ehrlich said.

Author: Phoebe Doscher

Phoebe Doscher ’22 is the Editor-in-Chief of The Gettysburgian. She formerly worked as Magazine Editor, News Editor, Assistant News Editor, Staff Writer, and Copyeditor. She is an English with a Writing Concentration and Theatre Arts double major. On campus, she is an intern for Gettysburg’s Communications & Marketing Office, the president of the Owl & Nightingale Players, and the News Director for WZBT, serving as the co-host of The Gettysburgian’s podcast On Target.

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