College Celebrates Midyear Graduates, Announces Commencement Date for the Class of 2022

Photo courtesy of Gettysburg College

Photo courtesy of Gettysburg College

By Phoebe Doscher, Editor-in-Chief,

Gettysburg College celebrated the graduation of 31 students on Dec. 12 at the Midyear Graduates Recognition Ceremony. The ceremony recognized graduates who are expected to complete their degree requirements by December 2021 or who completed degree requirements in August 2021.

During the ceremony, President Bob Iuliano, Provost Chris Zappe, and faculty speaker Mathematics Professor Benjamin Kennedy addressed the graduates; they may participate in Commencement for the Class of 2022 next May.

Commencement for the Class of 2022

On the morning of Friday, Dec. 10, Commencement Coordinator and Associate Director of Constituent Relations Erin Eline Aumen announced that the Commencement ceremony for the class of 2022 will take place on May 14, 2022 at 11 a.m. on the North Side of Penn Hall.

The College also released the tentative schedule for Commencement weekend, including Spring Honors Day, the Phi Beta Kappa induction ceremony, and Baccalaureate service on Friday, May 13 and ROTC Commissioning, Commencement services, and departmental receptions on Saturday, May 14.

A finalized schedule will come early next semester. Additional information from the Commencement planning group can be obtained by contacting

Author: Phoebe Doscher

Phoebe Doscher ’22 is the Editor-in-Chief of The Gettysburgian. She formerly worked as Magazine Editor, News Editor, Assistant News Editor, Staff Writer, and Copyeditor. She is an English with a Writing Concentration and Theatre Arts double major. On campus, she is an intern for Gettysburg’s Communications & Marketing Office, the president of the Owl & Nightingale Players, and the News Director for WZBT, serving as the co-host of The Gettysburgian’s podcast On Target.

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