A Note from the (Magazine) Editor: Entering the New Decade in Full Color

Gettysburgian Magazine Editor Lauren Hand '20 (Photo Allyson Frantz/The Gettysburgian)

Gettysburgian Magazine Editor Lauren Hand ’20 (Photo Allyson Frantz/The Gettysburgian)

By Lauren Hand, Magazine Editor

As February slowly makes way for March, it’s safe to say that most of us, in spite of our best intentions, have long since abandoned our New Year’s resolutions. Nevertheless, there is still plenty of time to aim high for the new decade. Here at The Gettysburgian, we are curious about the aspirations of our community, both individually and collectively, for the next ten years.

For this issue, we reached out to students, faculty, administrators, and coaches to ask what about their hopes for the decade, and we were delighted with the wide range of responses we received. The goals they shared with us include taking home championships, earning degrees, and spending more time with friends and family. Members of our community aim to prioritize making connections, acting with courage, and promoting kindness. Someone in particular is hoping to take some time off his half marathon (see page 16)!

If we come even halfway to fulfilling the goals that have been articulated in this issue, I have no doubt we’ll be making great strides towards a world that is more equitable, more just, and, yes, kind.

And what does The Gettysburgian hope to achieve in the new decade?

For this issue, we set out on what we imagine must be The Gettysburgian’s largest data collection project yet. We followed up on the status of support staff wages, an issue we first examined in the inaugural edition of this magazine back in September. We analyzed retention data on our sports teams, looked into food insecurity on campus, and connected with students currently studying abroad in Egypt and Nepal.

In 2019, this magazine went from concept to hard copy. A year ago, we never would have expected to be printing our fourth issue.

In 2020, we hope that this magazine serves as a vehicle for stories that shed light on the varied experiences of our campus community.

We’ll keep crunching the numbers and burning the midnight oil, always with the intention of identifying patterns, and rooted in a dedication to the truth. We’ll keep corresponding with Gettysburgians both around the globe and down the street to widen our perspective. We’ll share opinions that start conversations, and above all, we hope you’ll be a part of them.

In these pages, we hope you’ll find the sort of stories that matter to you in 2020 and beyond.

Lauren sig

Lauren Hand ‘20
Magazine Editor
The Gettysburgian

This note originally appeared on page two of the February 27, 2020 edition of The Gettysburgian’s magazine.

Author: Lauren Hand

Lauren Hand '20 is Magazine Editor for The Gettysburgian. She comes from York, PA, and is double majoring in Spanish and English with a Writing Concentration.

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