By Taylor-Jo Russo, Staff Writer
We all know that familiar feeling of being greeted at Servo by singers, chanters, and signs. The chanters are eager to gain our attention but we are unwilling to stop unless it is to take a quick Snapchat to document what they are “advertising”. Apparently, not everyone is unwilling to give these “advertisers” the time of day. A monumental occasion has occurred, this semester: the chanters have made their very first conversion!
A first-year describes the moment of clarity, “I was walking past Servo, when I heard beautiful voices singing. I then looked over and saw their fashion statement and thought, I am going to go talk to them, they look inviting and accepting. From that point forward, the interaction proved I had made the right decision. I was going to become Amish and join them!”
While the student wishes to remain anonymous, this story and story proves that anything is possible if you find the right student. The chanters and our fellow Gettysburg classmates plan to continue recruiting new members and will be outside Servo periodically throughout the semester. If you wish to join them, you can contact them at their new alias
April Fools’ Special