Opinion: Shanghai to Rome and the Importance of Studying Abroad

Opinion: Shanghai to Rome and the Importance of Studying Abroad

By Avery O’Neill, Guest Columnist  As Robert Burns once said, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” In the spring of my sophomore year at Gettysburg College, I was preparing to study abroad in China in the fall. I have been studying Mandarin and Chinese culture for seven years now, and it has always been a dream of mine to go to China. Part of the reason I chose to attend Gettysburg College is because of its Chinese and...

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Opinion: Educational Immersion: Studying Abroad in Asia Post-Covid

Opinion: Educational Immersion: Studying Abroad in Asia Post-Covid

By Jackson Dino, Guest Columnist The approval of a Gettysburg College-sanctioned study abroad program in Singapore is imminent. A new opportunity is presented to the Gettysburg College body; one that I intend to take full advantage of, and one that many other of my peers should strongly contemplate. It serves as both a broadening of academic opportunities in an area lacking on campus and the chance to immerse oneself in a captivating...

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Opinion: Why Students Should Engage With Community-Based Programs

Opinion: Why Students Should Engage With Community-Based Programs

By Isaias Martinez, Guest Columnist Becoming college students often indicates a transition away from our original home as we immerse ourselves in the community that is our college campus. However, we often fail to realize that the college campus exists within an established community. As we come and participate within the physical space, we inevitably interact with the social and cultural atmospheres surrounding the college. In this...

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Opinion: We Need to Read More Than a Screen 

Opinion: We Need to Read More Than a Screen 

By Cassidy Haines, Guest Columnist Where classrooms were once full of students with thick textbooks on their desks and a metric ton of books in their bags, will now only reveal a sea of laptops and tablets in academic buildings across the country. In Musselman Library, students flock to the computers and printers, but seldom skim the browsing room or scan the stacks the library was built to house. Instead of physical books or...

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Opinion: How the WellSpan-Gettysburg Partnership is Hurting Students

Opinion: How the WellSpan-Gettysburg Partnership is Hurting Students

By Alfredo Roman Jordan, Guest Columnist On Aug. 12, 2021, the College announced that it would be partnering with WellSpan to operate the health center on campus. Initially, the health center had been operated by the college itself, but it could not (or refused to) offer competitive wages to nurses who were leaving in droves to work at hospitals after the pandemic increased the wages of travel nurses by 50% and of normal RNs by 20...

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Opinion: “Woke” Professors and Microaggressions

Opinion: “Woke” Professors and Microaggressions

By Lauren Chu, Social Media Manager The higher education system in the United States can often be exclusionary and hostile to minority students. The prevalence of microaggressive professors in universities and colleges across the country compounds this exclusiveness. Unfortunately, I have personally been faced with remarks of ignorant microaggressions by one professor during my last semester at Gettysburg College. After being raised...

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