Student Senate 4/8: Technocratic Elections Held

Student Senate 4/8: Technocratic Elections Held

By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor  Budget Requests  The budget requests were first on the agenda for the meeting due to a time constraint. The Disciple Makers Christian Fellowship requested $1,000 for the Focus Conference. The Budget Management Committee (BMC) recommended allotting the full amount. The Student Senate approved the full amount.  Gettysburg College Fashion Initiative requested $500 for the Baltimore Flea Market. The BMC...

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Ken Burns Returns to Gettysburg College

Ken Burns Returns to Gettysburg College

By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor  Ken Burns returned to Gettysburg College on Friday to present to the broader Gettysburg community in the College Union Building (CUB) Ballroom. Long-time collaborator Sarah Botstein joined him to kick off “The Art of Ken Burns – Gettysburg Film Festival.” The event included screenings of Burns’ movies along with a question and answer session. It was also filmed by PBS.  The event began with an...

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Student Senate 4/1: Counseling & Wellness and Honor Code Commission Guest Speakers

Student Senate 4/1: Counseling & Wellness and Honor Code Commission Guest Speakers

By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor Officer Reports  President Andrew Lemon ’24 commented on the tight races for the President, Vice President and Inclusion Officer elections that took place last week. He thanked everyone who ran and congratulated those who won. Vice President Geoffrey Meadville ’25 further explained that this election had the highest number of people voting in five years, with over 500 students participating. He thanked...

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Student Senate: 4/1 Meeting

Student Senate: 4/1 Meeting

By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor Officer Reports  During officer reports, the Student Senate executive board agreed that they do not say anything of substance during these. “To be honest, we either wish everyone a good week or mention something is going to happen later in the meeting,” stated the President of the Study Body. For that reason, no officer reports were given.  Committee Reports  Committees continued to beg senators to...

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Student Senate 3/18: Community Impact Project Discussion

Student Senate 3/18: Community Impact Project Discussion

By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor  Officer Reports President Andrew Lemon ’24 shared that the election onboarding committee is beginning and asked senators to join. He also urged members to not be on their laptops or phones during a meeting, especially when a guest speaker is presenting.  Vice President Geoffrey Meadville ’25 encouraged senators to keep up the momentum of the Student Senate as the end of the year draws closer. ...

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