Student Senate Holds Alumni Event Over Homecoming Weekend

Attendees at the Student Senate Homecoming Weekend Event pose for a photo. (Brandon Fey/The Gettysburgian)


By Brandon Fey, News Editor

The Student Senate of Gettysburg College is one of the institution’s oldest and most influential student organizations, operating since the 1909-10 academic year. Naturally, the Senate has its own extensive network of alumni. To re-engage with its former members, the Student Senate hosted its first-ever alumni reunion event on Saturday, Sept. 21 in Glatfelter Lodge as part of the Homecoming Weekend activities. 

The event provided an opportunity for current and former Senate members to intermingle over refreshments. One returning senator in attendance was Haley Gluhanich ’19.  

“I think having an event like this is smart and really important,” she said. “I think it’s good for Senate members to keep in contact because alums can offer a lot of institutional knowledge. They’re really great for networking and can share a lot of valuable skills. And it’s really cool to talk to people and hear about how they have built on the work that I did when I was there.”

The reunion was envisioned and organized by Senate President Michael Woods ’25, who announced it at the Senate meeting on Sept. 16. 

“The Senate alumni event is something I’ve always wanted to do since I started in the Senate three years ago. It’s always been really cool to see the different approaches and initiatives that the senates of years past have undertaken, and having everyone here together in one room is a great way to relive our favorite Senate memories, as well as plan for the future of the organization,” he stated.

This reflective sentiment was shared by the Senate’s faculty advisor, Director of Student Activities and Greek Life Jon Allen, who attended the event. 

“It is always good to have alumni come back to see each other and current students,” he said. “As an advisor, I was excited that people I have worked with over the years but who never knew each other were able to meet and connect at such a great event. The Senate should be proud of their work and I hope they continue to do this in the future.”

The reunion was held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. and was attended by Senate members of a variety of class years. The event was popular with attendees, many of whom expressed interest in holding another reunion in the future.

“I’m hoping this becomes a tradition that future Senate presidents implement in the coming years,” Woods remarked.

Attendees post for a photo. (Brandon Fey/The Gettysburgian)

Author: Gettysburgian Staff

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