Student Senate 9/23: Administrators Address College’s National Attention

By Brandon Fey, News Editor

Officer Reports

President Michael Woods ’25 announced that affinity group leader positions in need of run-off have been filled. He asked for nominations for two affinity group leader vacancies.

Vice President Abby Ruggiero ’26 thanked those who attended the new member orientation and asked those with remaining questions to reach out to her.

Parliamentarian Carl DeMarco ’25 stated that the Rules and Administration Committee will be meeting on Fridays and members should talk to him about selecting a time.

Treasurer Jack Thompson ’27 announced that $78,330.50 of the original $91,511 yearly budget is left to be spent.

Secretary Olivia Taylor ’25 asked that Senate members send her professional photos for their profiles on the Student Senate website. She also asked that those who are not receiving her emails to let her know. Taylor stated that she should be informed of intended absences and that more than three unexcused absences would result in removal.

Director of Student Activities and Greek Life Jon Allen mentioned the email he sent to student organizations about tailgating spots for the Oct. 4 night football game and that the spots are being filled rapidly. 

Guest Speaker 

Chief Diversity Officer Eloisa Gordon-Mora and Dean of Students Jeff Foster addressed the recent incident regarding a slur being etched on the body of a student at an informal social gathering. They stated that the perpetrator is no longer a student at the College and mentioned the national media attention that has resulted. 

They said they wanted to move forward by organizing a course of action and then answered questions about the situation, asserting that there is limited information that can be released due to privacy rights. They emphasized the importance of reporting misconduct.

Associate Dean of Inclusion and Belonging Cristina Garcia stated that such incidents can never be completely prevented, but stops should be taken to make them less likely. 

Committee Reports 

The Board of Committee Chairs will meet every other Sunday at 1 p.m. beginning Sept. 29.

The Academic and Career Affairs will meet on Fridays at 10 a.m. in CUB 230.

The Budget and Management Committee will meet on Fridays at 2 p.m. in CUB 212.

The College Life Advisory Committee will meet on Thursdays at 4 p.m. in CUB 230. 

The Inclusion Committee will meet on Thursdays at 3 p.m. in CUB 212.

The Opinions Committee will meet on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. in CUB 230.

The Outreach Committee meeting time is to be announced.

The Rules and Administration Committee will meet on Fridays at a time to be determined.

The Wellness and Safety Committee will meet on Thursdays at 6 p.m. in CUB 208.   

Club Reports and Announcements 

The German Club and Office of Student Activities and Greek Life will hold an Oktoberfest Saturday at 10 p.m.

The “Let’s Get Political” event will be held in CUB 208 at 5:00 p.m.

The East Quad will reopen this upcoming weekend.

Student Concerns 

President Woods provided updates and concerns to the Senate. He announced that cauliflower wings will be available at Servo and that Abe’s Favs is working to hire a new chef, hence the lack of grilled options. He mentioned that many of the issues with the Servo app have been caused by poor internet, which is currently being investigated in the Plank Gym specifically.

Students then voiced various concerns. Students said that squirrels are eating car wires in the Constitution Lot, that the new lights in East Quad are too bright and on too late at night and the possibility of getting standing desks. Additionally, concerns rose over the inaccurate calorie tracking feature of the meal planner app, ineffective stormwater control on campus, some halls being in need of more washing machines and dryers and poor internet in residence halls. Other concerns included apparent reluctance by the swim coach to allow a class of 2027 movie night at the campus pool, meal plan switches not working, snakes outside the Ice House complex and the College’s response to national media attention. 

Budget Requests 

The Pennsylvania College Guard’s request of $960 for registration fees for the Cedar Creek fall semester reenactment was approved in full. 

New Business 

The Senate is working on more information for budget updates and percentages via visual graphs and charts.

The Rules and Administration Committee is drafting an amendment about budget debates and expectations for them.

Author: Gettysburgian Staff

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