Student Senate 9/16: Affinity Chair Elections and New Tie-Breaking Precedent

By Brandon Fey, News Editor

Officer Reports 

President Michael Woods ’25 announced that the Senate will have its first-ever alumni event at the Glatfelter Lodge on Sept. 21 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Woods asked for nominations for the Student Life Committee Award and for stories of uniquely Gettysburg College experiences for Communications and Marketing.

Vice President Abby Ruggiero ’26 stated that the mandatory new member orientation will be on Sept. 22 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in CUB 208.

Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities Elizabeth Farner and Dean of Inclusion and Belonging Cristina Garcia will be guest speakers at the next senate meeting on Sept. 23. 

Parliamentarian Carl DeMarco ’25 announced the results of the affinity group leader elections. 

Gabe Taub ’25 is the new leader of the religious affinity group and Ethan Acevedo ’26 was elected as leader of service. 

Social and music/arts had no nominations and academic had a nomination, but no votes. 

The political and cultural group leader elections resulted in ties.

A tie between affinity group candidates has not previously occurred in the student senate and there is no constitutional provision regarding it. 

Director of Student Activities and Greek Life Jon Allen announced that the Committee on Learning Assessment is looking for a student representative and those interested should contact Jim Duffy.

Allen thanked everyone who attended the activities fair and encouraged them to share any feedback about the new layout of tables.

Committee Reports

The Budget Management Committee stated that it will be meeting on Fridays at 2:00 p.m. in CUB 126 tentatively. 

The Inclusion Committee will meet on Thursdays from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in CUB 212. They are also looking for student input on a new accessibility group. 

Club Reports and Announcements 

Young Americans for Freedom thanked all who assisted with their 9/11 Never Forget Project.

Peer Educators will host their first cozy cabin of the year in Glatfelter Lodge.

A “Let’s Get Political” event will be held Sept. 25 in CUB 208

There will be a speaker for Hispanic Heritage Month on Oct. 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the Mara Auditorium.

The Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity is currently holding its rush week.

Student Concerns 

Associate Vice President for College Life and Dean of Students Jeff Foster will provide an update on dining at the next meeting. 

Concerns were again raised about poor internet stability across campus. 

Some students voiced concerns over the new online Servo menu’s inaccessibility and complained about downloading the new mobile device application.

New Business

The issue of the affinity group election tie was discussed as well as potential solutions.

Propositions included that a presidential appointment be made, the Senate vote, they hold another election and that they decide through a coin toss.

Woods expressed support for whatever measure was deemed best by the Senate.

Support was given for all options. It was decided by a runoff vote by affinity group members. In the event of another tie, candidates are to testify to their qualifications at the next Senate meeting and would then be elected by the Senate body. 

Woods discussed the Ralph Cavalier Award for Excellence in Teaching and asked the Senate body to suggest to the executive board how the 2024 recipient ought to be selected. 

The Senate decided that nominations ought to be offered by the student body and then reviewed by the executive board to be voted on in the Senate. 

Author: Gettysburgian Staff

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