SANGAM Hosts Welcome Dinner for Class of 2028

SAGNAM hosted a welcome home event in Glatfelter Lodge. (Rifat Anik/The Gettysburgian)

By Rifat Anik, Contributing Writer

On Sept. 21, the South Asian Network for Global Awareness and Multiculturalism hosted its annual welcome dinner to celebrate the arrival of the class of 2028 at Gettysburg College. The event, held at Glatfelter Lodge, welcomed over 75 students for an evening of cultural exchange and community building.

The dinner kicked off with interactive activities and introductions, creating an opportunity for students to meet and bond. Afterward, attendees enjoyed a long-awaited local meal of South Asian origin, which became a focal point for further conversations. The spread consisted of butter chicken, palak paneer (spinach curry), daal (lentil soup), rice and naan (bread). Students were seen engaging in lively discussions, sharing cultural experiences and forming new friendships over food.

Tassen Raihan Trima ’28, an international student from Bangladesh, reflected on the event, “The dinner was wonderful; the food reminded me of home and it was nostalgic. I could interact with people, meet others, enjoy their company and just be myself. As a first-year student, it was a great opportunity to meet new people and bond with them. Events like these are really important for socializing and feeling at home.”

President of SANGAM, Shruti Mishra emphasized the importance of such gatherings for fostering a sense of belonging within the college community.

“A multicultural dinner at Gettysburg College celebrates the beautiful diversity that makes our community feel like home. Just as a painting comes to life through the blending of many colors, our campus is enriched by the unique traditions, backgrounds and stories each of us brings,” she said. “Coming together for this event is about more than just sharing a meal — it’s about embracing the warmth of different cultures, fostering deeper connections and creating a space where everyone feels welcomed and valued. This is what truly makes our community vibrant and whole.”

The welcome dinner highlighted diversity at Gettysburg College, providing students with a platform to connect through shared experiences and cultural appreciation.

Author: Gettysburgian Staff

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