Over 110 Student Organizations Take Part in Annual Fall Activities Fair

Members of the Ultimate Frisbee team at the fall activities fair. (Hugh Toner/The Gettysburgian)

By Hugh Toner, Staff Writer

On Thursday, the Office of Student Activities and Greek Life hosted the fall activities fair on Stine Lake from 5 to 7 p.m. Over 110 student organizations participated in the event, and OSAGL provided games for attendees and the opportunity for students to win prizes. 

OSAGL hosts the fall activities fair annually, as an opportunity for new and returning students to learn about different student-led organizations and clubs on campus. It also hosts another activities fair held within the first few weeks of the spring semester. 

President of Student Senate Michael Woods ’25 said, “This year’s activities fair was by far the most exciting one I’ve attended! The tables and booths designed by student groups were each very unique. The activities, raffles and giveaways each club and organization offered were outstanding and helped create an environment full of excitement.”

“It’s a great opportunity to meet new students who are interested in BMB (biochemistry and molecular biology) and to talk about our upcoming faculty events,” said president of the Biosphere Club Noah Salewski ’25. 

See photos of the event below:

Members of the Biosphere Club at the fall activities fair. (Hugh Toner/The Gettysburgian)

Members of the Asian Student Alliance at the fall activities fair. (Hugh Toner/The Gettysburgian)

Author: Gettysburgian Staff

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