Campus Safety Email Advises on Safety Concerns in Light of Racial Slur Incident

Campus Safety (Photo Eric Lippe/The Gettysburgian)

By Ella Prieto, Managing Editor 

On Thursday, Executive Director of Campus Safety Alex Wiltz sent a campus-wide email providing students with measures to take if they receive messages relating to the racial slur incident, in which a student cut a racial slur into another student at a social gathering in a campus residential hall.  

“We understand that some of you may have received messages through social media, texts, phone calls or emails regarding the racial incident on campus,” said Wiltz. “We know this can be distressing, and we want you to know that we are here to support you.”

He advised students to send any messages they feel comfortable sharing to an email address, which will then be sent to a Campus Safety staff member for review and any necessary action. 

The email concluded with instructions for students who feel they or others are in immediate danger.

“…do not hesitate to call 911 or Campus Safety at 717-337-6911 immediately. Your safety is our top priority.” 

Author: Ella Prieto

Ella Prieto ’26 serves as the Managing Editor for the Gettysburgian. Previously, she worked as the News Editor, the Assistant News Editor, and as a staff writer for the News and Arts & Entertainment sections. Ella is a double major in Public Policy and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a Writing Minor. On campus, Ella volunteers with the Casa Swim program, is an It’s On Us Fellow in the Office of Sexual Respect and Title IX, and is the President of the Panhellenic Council. She loves to read and keep up with celebrity drama in her free time.

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